[movie] deathnote

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[movie] deathnote

Post by bluebird47 » Fri Aug 11, 2006 03:06

just saw it on premiere night. well what can i say..

there will be a sequel coming out in november.
they followed several major points in the manga and incorporated it into the story in order, however they are making up their own bits and the ending was swerving to a different course [sorta] i assume so they can finish this movie within a trilogy.

light is ugly, and thruout the movie he doesnt get any more light like. however L, who i thoguht from the poster looked terrible, is actually on-screen a very convincing L. acting is really great for L [and L alone]. light cud just very well be the next masked rider kabuto. everyone else wasnt too much alike their manga counterparts except for watari. oh and ryuk. he looks just like ryuk very detailed, unfortunately, due to a lower budget than pirates of the carribean, its quite obvious ryuk is cgi, which is a shame, but i can live with it.

the story.. well its sorta draggy [for a movie] and i believe the sequels will end with L, but who knows. if i wasnt a fan of the manga, i probably would have been falling asleep.

bottom line is, i'm not watchin the sequel in the cinema.

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Post by Bugle/Hawk'M » Fri Aug 11, 2006 05:42

As a fan of Death Note I'm skeptical about how well it could be done as a movie (or anime which apparently is going to start in October) because it seems like it would involve mostly internal monologues. It seems that it would be slow moving and while interesting, not very exciting. I just can't imagine how they would handle the pacing. But anyway, I haven't seen the film (though I probably will eventually) so I can't judge it. I must say though, I will probably have a tough time taking Light's dad seriously, seeing as he is played by Chairman Kaga of Iron Chef.

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Post by bluebird47 » Fri Aug 11, 2006 07:49

actually, iron chef host is quite convincing as a serious dad, but i just dont see how hard it was to add a moustache and classes to anyone to make him look more the part.

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