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Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 22:29
by Gunsmith


until you look up what it's used for to make in the bazaar

unless you don't mind spending hours and hours doing the same thing over and over

u MUST read the spoiler free faq at gamefaqs

you've already probably killed your chance to get the zodiac spear... it's not too late to start again!

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 22:54
by Apathy Wind
Gunsmith wrote: you've already probably killed your chance to get the zodiac spear... it's not too late to start again!
Is the ZS really all that? I mean I didn't get it and I never found myself wanting for physical offense
Gunsmith wrote: unless you don't mind spending hours and hours doing the same thing over and over
Somehow I don't think someone who dislikes repetition would get much outta FFXII

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 07:04
by Foxhole
Holy Lance does about the same as ZS, considering so many enemies in all the hard dungeons are weak against holy.

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 08:42
by Fuu
nah i don't plan to make a perfect run, i'm actually playing this to relieve myself a bit from coding so i would get the opposite effect by going completionist, also not a fan of rare drops.

But the game is really gorgeous and i love the fact that pretty much plays by itself the boring parts. So far so good!

Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2008 06:45
by Persona
OT: Gun is playing SO: 2nd story? :o

Been in the FF mood lately so I might give FF XII a shota lthough from what I saw of it, it looks like an MMO grind (yeah I also play RPGs to collect everything, figuring it would be a pain in the ass). :(

Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2008 14:13
by Gunsmith
re: OT: 2nd Story I can't bring myself to play it.

I realised I never played Disgaea 2, which is AWESOME

re: ZS

If you can get that while you're still low level, it's the most useful all rounder weapon as it obviously whacks everything

otherwise get the excalibur and holy lances as Foxoro suggested and go level up killing dead things!!!! don't forget some chests respawn!!! <3

Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2008 00:32
by Apathy Wind
Gunsmith wrote: I realised I never played Disgaea 2, which is AWESOME
Is this to say that Disgaea 2 is awesome or that it's awesome that you never played it? 'Cause D2's part of my backlog of games and I've been avoiding it like the addictive time thief I know it'll be

Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2008 08:41
by Fuu
If you have played the 1st Disgaea(which i thought had a certain charm and a fair bit of novelty in it) you might as well forget Nippon Ichi games exist: It is infact the same exact shit over and over again * 100, only gets more ugly in each game and with lamer characters(Lead in 2nd game is clearly man Vanessa).

Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2008 13:30
by Gunsmith
d2 is FF tactics, team combos like Breath of Fire/ SUikoden, chain hit combos (stack allies on top of each other), I just saw a vid of major spells and had to press stop omg... well here is basic attacks video... could get repetitive but I have a lot of patience for RPGs ;)

Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2008 13:37
by Fuu
I'm pretty sure disgaea had said features, like, all of them!

Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2008 16:41
by Apathy Wind
Fuu wrote:If you have played the 1st Disgaea(which i thought had a certain charm and a fair bit of novelty in it) you might as well forget Nippon Ichi games exist: It is infact the same exact shit over and over again * 100, only gets more ugly in each game and with lamer characters(Lead in 2nd game is clearly man Vanessa).
I wouldn't say it's that bad. I played Makai Kingdom and while it was very close to Disgaea it did have enough new elements to make it worth playing.

Admittedly though that D2 video looks alot like D1. The only new thing I saw there was the stack attack

Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2008 14:08
by Gunsmith
lol vanessa man

actually i didn't get round to playing d1 so hehe maybe i'll go back to that afterwards :3

anyways I am enjoying so far throwing penguins and watch them detonate

the story is truly pathetic though

me likes flashy spells!

Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2008 17:27
by Gojira
WTF with the shitty Bleach music

If you never played D1 you should try the PSP version, it has extras

Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2008 19:52
by Fuu
lol Flonne is so Osaka.

while d1 didn't really have a good story either(still way better than anything NI did afterward though) it had a very likeable cast and a reasonable number of cutscenes was legitimately funny, and it was something really fresh to play. The game mechanics in later NI games became more of an exercise in absurdism than anything - i remember playing this game with a retardedly depressing story, with this girl that could summon [s]generic characters from Disgaea[/s] ghosts from any object. So you could summon a warrior from a bush, and then have him pick up another bush, to use as a weapon; and then obviously you could level up the bushes, to have a stronger base for the summon and a stronger weapon! Yeah.

Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2008 20:06
by Apathy Wind
Fuu wrote: while d1 didn't really have a good story either(still way better than anything NI did afterward though) it had a very likeable cast and a reasonable number of cutscenes was legitimately funny, and it was something really fresh to play. The game mechanics in later NI games became more of an exercise in absurdism than anything - i remember playing this game with a retardedly depressing story, with this girl that could summon [s]generic characters from Disgaea[/s] ghosts from any object. So you could summon a warrior from a bush, and then have him pick up another bush, to use as a weapon; and then obviously you could level up the bushes, to have a stronger base for the the summon and a stronger weapon! Yeah.
Sounds like Phantom Brave to me - which I'm pretty sure I own but honestly feel no desire to ever play or even open....

Man, I realllly have to try and get myself to finish Persona 3. The announcement of FES and the addictiveness of SSBM have sapped any desire I have to play it (too much grinding)