Movie - CON: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe

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Ramjet Aries
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Movie - CON: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe

Post by Ramjet Aries » Mon Jan 16, 2006 10:30

Just watched the movie last night and I'll be posting my personal comments on the film.

First of all, since I've already read the entire series back when I was still a kid my first question would be how faithful the screen adaptation would be as compared to the books. We've heard it said that it's very difficult to present every detail in the stories into a 2-3 hour film and there will always be a part that would inevitably be missed onscreen. Personally, I found the film to be a VERY close rendition of the book with almost every detail being represented well in the movie. Of course there were some missing parts like the explanation why Edmund wanted to have more of the Turkish Delight or the talking lion who was turned to stone in Jadis' castle but everything else was pretty much covered. I've read a number of reviews where people were actually griping about those details but that's their opinion. Overall, you could probably say that it's as close as you can get to how it was protrayed in the book.

With regard to the visuals, I'd say they certainly outdid themselves in this movie. The scenes were quite spectacular and the CGI creatures don't disappoint either. Details were very well made and you could actually think that the cast was interacting with the animals. Aslan himself was impressive to say the least and so were the rest of the bunch. I was actually expecting him to be a teeny bit bigger but that's just me. Of course the battles would keep screaming LOTR but that's just the way things are these days and people are bound to make comparisons.

As for the cast, Edmund and Lucy seem to have the most in terms of character development. It seems that they decided to have Edmund cast as a boy who didn't get along well with his siblings and was won't to go his own way... his selfishness being an explicit trademark during the better part of the film. Lucy on the other hand, was convincing and very much the lively one among the four. Got to love those facial expressions. Peter came off as your typical big brother who was always being protective of his siblings although it didn't exactly work out the way he always wanted them to... prime example with him being constantly at odds with his younger brother. Susan? Let me put it this way... smartass. Aslan being voiced by Liam Neeson was a very nice touch... can't help but remind me of Qui Gonn Jin though. You could actually feel the power behind the voice and the wisdom being portrayed. And last of all, Jadis... not exactly frightening but I'd have to say she was a total badass with the wand and sword combos during the battle.

The message it portrays is still Christian, especially with the part where Aslan takes the place of Edmund and offers his life in exchange on the Stone Table. Most Christians would see this as a clear illustration of Jesus Christ dying on the cross as a sacrifice for the sins of mankind.

To sum it up, I'd rate it as a must-see film for everyone... both old and new alike. Feel free to see it for yourselves and enjoy the movie. I'll definitely be waiting for the DVD release.
Last edited by Ramjet Aries on Wed Jan 18, 2006 09:17, edited 3 times in total.

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Post by denieru » Mon Jan 16, 2006 10:49

Jeebus man! My freaking eyes... c'mon you're not a new member... and most(i think) use the original purple as background, so it looks awful in red.

AFter selecting the text, I could read your post... and im glad to hear positive comments from someone who knows the series... I myself am a noobie and saw Narnia knowing nothing about it.

I enjoyed it... but when the battle begins it all seems rushed... and the movie gets that disney feel which was a turnoff from the awesome eerie/magical mood the film sets until this point.

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Post by Ramjet Aries » Wed Jan 18, 2006 09:13

Ok, fixed the colors... didn't think it was that bad though. :D

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Post by Kyosuke Kagami » Wed Jan 18, 2006 16:10

The Narnia movie was able to do what the HP movies couldn't (at least with me): to entertain me.

Curiously, lots of people I know have the same opinion. They find the HP movies pretty boring (unless you're a HP fanboy and have an orgasm everytime you dream with Hermione) but the Narnia movie is pretty refreshing and good, no matter if you haven't read the books.

Now I'd like to see how they'll make "The Horse and His Boy" movie :3

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Post by r3v3n4nT » Wed Jan 18, 2006 18:16

battle == good but too short.

phoenixs and centaurs == win.

child actors/actresses == lose.

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Post by Ramjet Aries » Thu Jan 19, 2006 03:32

Kyosuke Kagami wrote:Now I'd like to see how they'll make "The Horse and His Boy" movie :3
To be honest, I'm a lot more curious on how they intend to do The Magician's Nephew. It doesn't seem to have a lot of action as compared to the other books. As for The Horse and His Boy, methinks it's going to be a mostly desert race kind of like Hidalgo with a battle thrown in near the end. I'm also expecting that they'll be using the same cast they used as the older versions of the Pevensie children at the end of the first film. Question is will Disney ACTUALLY go through ALL of the Narnia series? I for one hope so.

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Post by 7d3j » Thu Jan 19, 2006 12:17

I agree with the entertainment thing, went with my family and they all agreed it was more satisfying than HP4, or any other HP movie for that matter.

Acting and all were above average, especially the story telling done by the scriptwriters, they definitely did a great job, and if there was a complain I have to make abut the show...

The White Witch died too easily, something of an anticlimax. When we were calling for a showdown too!

And... Isn't this movie a tad old by now? It grossed VERY well though. Still grossing?

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Post by Kyosuke Kagami » Thu Jan 19, 2006 17:50

The white witch attempted against cute creatures! She didn't deserve more camera!

Question is will Disney ACTUALLY go through ALL of the Narnia series? I for one hope so.
As far as I know, they will.

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