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2k2 - Athena Asamiya

Posted: Sun Aug 07, 2005 07:27
by Archedgar
Old Athena info

Athena Asamiya is arguably the supreme 'dominant' character in 2002, right up there with Billy Kane and Choi Bounge. Which one is specifically on top is subject for debate, however , I personally, feel that Athena is far above the other two, Choi after her and Billy Kane in a relatively distant third.

Athena is creditted as to having one of the best fireball moves in the game, her psycho ball, this gives her, a significant edge in a game due to her 'fireball' centric special moves which serve to fuel the flame of her fireball zoning tactics.

Athena has various special moves, while not as ... overpowered as her psycho ball, they certainly hold their own mostly, her psycho sword is very useful in combos and works as an early anti air, while not as good as K9999's Warero move or Ryo's uppercut, it is adecuate for its uses.

One of her great strength's comes from her teleportation, this move, adds a significant edge to her arsenal, while I personally don't know if it was intended to work in this way, I know that it seems to increase her already vast power.

For example, if a psycho ball is blocked at max screen distance on wake up(for example) you can QCF + B and move to half screen distance and chain psycho balls as if the opponent were in the corner, thus FORCING most characters to roll or to take significant chip damage/guard break posibilities.

Athena's game is not restricted to ground, she has a great arsenal of air moves, and she is the only character who can cancel moves twice in the air(A, Down + B, QCB + B), she also has remarkable priority with her attacks and a large jump, giving her extra zoning possibilities.

All of this is great but what really seals the deal is her Shining Crystal Bit DM, this gives her a near(key word: near) impervious anti aerial defense, this will knock back 'most' of all attacks in the game.

Athena has no 'real' trouble matches, she can beat any character as easily(or not easily) as any other. However, this is arguable.

As we can see from the storyline, she is a major pain, as she constantly ignores Sie Kensou who is madly in love with her, but seeing as this is a gameplay forum, I'll leave that to someone else.

Discuss Athena Asamiya, the famed female psycho soldier(not Bao).

*By the way, this thread applies to 'anti' Athena tactics as well. So knock your proverbial selves out.

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2005 15:53
by Gaseous Snake
Any cool Athena combos?

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2005 07:12
by Archedgar
Athena isn't much of a combo-based character, even in max mode she can only do Phoenix Arrow into Psycho sword into Phoenix arrow(last frame) into Psycho sword to Shining crystal bit(that was a long read, I know).

Her basic combo is Close C, Forward B, Psycho sword, and in the corner you can replace psycho sword for Phoenix Arrow(D) and it will combo.

Anyway, I am curious as to how people can pull off her HSDM, I can't seem to get it to work, however, I can get Geese Howard's deadly rave to work fine in SvC chaos, which is why I find it odd that its near impossible for me to pull off Athena's HSDM, is there a trick to it?

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 19:41
by john_kezy
athena's 100% damage...

phoenix fang arrow. then if the opponent stands still then you can do D, then forward C, then BC, forward 2x, down C then HDSM.......

90% damage
phoenix fang arrow. then if the opponent stands still then you can do D, then forward C, then BC, forward 2x, down C, shoryuken C then cancel it to psychic 9.....

sureness damage.....

near opponent /very close to enemies do down B then teleport B then shining crystal bit....
why does it happen? when u do that, enemies are open behind..... when u do teleport the enemies facing backwards.....thats why it is sureness damage........
do not use D or C to teleport....

athena's teleport really helps......

tricking your enemies doing HSDM
if u wanna do athena's HSDM. BC/maxmode do this trick :D jump then phoenix arrow near opponent, then do teleport B, wherever enemy faces (unblockable if the opponent facing backwards) do DOWN B DOWN A then do HSDM......
warning!!!!!!!!! you can do this if the opponent is block/guard
all i can say athena is really brutal char.....

what can u say about my thoughts.............. :?: :?:

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 03:47
by Archedgar
john_kezy wrote:athena's 100% damage...

phoenix fang arrow. then if the opponent stands still then you can do D, then forward C, then BC, forward 2x, down C then HDSM.......

90% damage
phoenix fang arrow. then if the opponent stands still then you can do D, then forward C, then BC, forward 2x, down C, shoryuken C then cancel it to psychic 9.....

I don't mean to be a jerk, but, have you ever tried these combos yourself? have you successfully pulled them off?

I have never seen anyone ever pull off the type of things you've mentioned in video matches or actual arcades, however, I have seen them in various combo videos which as we all know, often use macross and other assorted programs to pull of 'impossible' feats, well, for people who actually use their hands so to speak.

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2005 16:41
by Guest
i can say, yes! i did that combos by myself.... thats all i can say....

i did that in matches and practices....

try that....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i tell u.............

i dont have sugars in my mouth.............

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2005 17:14
by Vice Vecta
Well, I hardly find factible to pull out combos like these in actual versus matches. Commiting a mistake while pulling'em out and you'd be badly punished.

Note that I'm not denying the possibility to make'em, just that could be extremelly rare to see them in matches.

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2005 16:36
by john_kezy
Vice Vecta wrote:Well, I hardly find factible to pull out combos like these in actual versus matches. Commiting a mistake while pulling'em out and you'd be badly punished.

Note that I'm not denying the possibility to make'em, just that could be extremelly rare to see them in matches.

yes, definitely it is exteremely rare.... i do make a mistake in athena's combos.....

but when u try it you will believe it....

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2005 09:14
by Archedgar
(No one reads this particular forum anyway, but still who cares, maybe someone might accidentally click on this forum and the top thread)

I recently played against a very good player, I hadn't had such good matches in a long time... anyway, one thing he did that really impressed me was that he would use Athena's Air Throw as an anti air.

I myself often use her air throw as air to air, but this guy was using it specifically, as an anti air move, he would wait until I was near him, jumping in with: Vice, K9999, Billy Kane, Kula, etc., with a vast myriad of attacks and somehow do a quick hyper back jump(at least it looked hyper) into air throw, this worked reliably for him.


I had never seen anyone do that in any videos or arcades, or even anyone write anything remotely resembling it.

My question is, how the fiddle sticks do you pull this off? the timing looks like it would be difficult, anyone have any insight into this?

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 09:13
by KoFFreaK
I guess its just like everything else, practice. Although trying to make this your win condition is kind of odd. I sometimes manage to pull this, but most of the time its just accident :P

Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2005 11:44
by christensenray
Sorry, have no idea about the anti air throw thing. I would like to point out though, just how impervious the Shining Crystal Bit DM is...

It was near the end of the match, with both me and opponent on low life. I'm using K9999, opp using Athena. We both have 1 stock. Opp makes an error (maybe) and does this DM in the air, completely whiffing me.
I think "bonus!" and proceed to do K49's Moon DM quite some distance away from Athena, just close enough for the edge of the "Moon" to hit her. The opponent meanwhile seems to be frantically trying to cancel out of the DM.

My DM comes out, Athena's DM at first blocks the moon (keep in mind that the moon is just touching the bottom of Athena's feet), then I!!! actually get hit by Athena's still revolving crystal bit, killing ME!! The crystal bit is nowhere near my character, just touching the Moon!

Thought i would share that, i find it just incredible. I also had no idea that you could hit K49's Moon, and have the hit register on him (like it was Billy's stick).

Posted: Fri Nov 11, 2005 17:22
by 7d3j

Hope you went ahead and beat the crap out of the guy using Athena :D Or at least demand a refund from the owner or complain to SNK. :P

Heart breaking to hear, really... Terrible, even.

Great story.


Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2005 10:42
by ken_garou
Hey guys ,what's the timing to do Athena's fireball (qcb A) in the most safest way without getting punish by a jump in or a successful roll from opponent?

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2005 11:19
by christensenray
eiter on wakeup (obviously) or at full screen. when at full screen, by the time opp jumps or rolls, you'll have recovered, and can punish with hcbx2+P DM. Also s/cr. C, qcb+C chains, for good pressure, chip damage and combo.


Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2005 12:30
by ken_garou
Thanks, can you give me pointers on how to defeat good Iori players? Secondly ,can you give me a good list of anti airs other than her Shining Crystal Bit? Next , I need very good trapping skills with Athena