KOF XII Tier List

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KOF XII Tier List

Post by PenPen » Thu Apr 30, 2009 19:41

A prelim tier list for a game that's not being played much.


S - Kyo, Joe
A - Ash, Duo Lon, SHEN WOO, Iori, Terry, Andy, Raiden, Athena, Chin, Lobat
B - Beni, Daimon, Kim, Kensou, Ryo, Leona, Larf, Clark

Sauce: http://jbbs.livedoor.jp/bbs/read.cgi/ga ... 025707/l50" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

Only one I'm thinking is that Lobat might be higher, but I don't think the list is sorted.

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Re: KOF XII Tier List

Post by Tiamat » Thu Apr 30, 2009 23:09

thats a pretty rough and/or balanced list. only 3 levels after all. kinda surprised to see Iori not on the top level

who is "Lobat"? Robert?

thanks for posting, I like the all caps on SHEN WOO lol

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Re: KOF XII Tier List

Post by SonicTempest » Fri May 01, 2009 02:01

So...all the grapplers are considered low-mid tier?

Reading the JP page where this list was posted it sounds like the reason for this is that striking attacks now have more priority over grabs.

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Re: KOF XII Tier List

Post by Tiamat » Fri May 01, 2009 04:55

well Raiden is still in A but yeah that does make sense.

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Re: KOF XII Tier List

Post by PenPen » Fri May 01, 2009 05:35

SonicTempest wrote:Reading the JP page where this list was posted it sounds like the reason for this is that striking attacks now have more priority over grabs.
Yeah, grabs are only effective when the opponent isn't doing anything. But I thought Daimon would be placed higher as well, come to think of it.

And Lobat is Robert, it's how I call him usually.

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Re: KOF XII Tier List

Post by BP » Fri May 01, 2009 16:22

I can see Kyo being up there, but what makes Joe that good? I could see Iori moving up to S, though - guy seems pretty darn good even without his fireballs.

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Re: KOF XII Tier List

Post by PenPen » Fri May 01, 2009 20:30

Joe is good because he has a really safe rather high-damage combo (blocked or not) starting off with low B, where you can link off with his f+B after a low A. Whatever that happens after f+B is totally up to you, fierball (blocked) or slash/tiga kick (not blocked).

Tiger kick is also insanely fast - it's not the old tiger kick previously, it is basically a high-arcing slash kick that goes pretty fast.

The only problem with Joe is that his DM isn't instant, and the range is so-so.

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Re: KOF XII Tier List

Post by dobiqwolf » Sat May 02, 2009 20:03

I am not surprise to see Joe top but this is the begining, he is easy to use, in a few weeks it will change when players will understand the system and characters better.

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Re: KOF XII Tier List

Post by SonicTempest » Fri Jun 19, 2009 17:57

Posted by dobiqwolf at CX:
I based the tier list on how effective is a character again others, the damage output of CC, this part is
important as some characters dont need super meter at all to deal huge damage (Kyo) during CC and CC can
reverse the balance of a fight and some other have shit CC(goro, duolon). Again it may change with time.

_Kyo: Kyo got very good pressure game and frame traps to land counter hit, then you got the dragon punch wich IMO is broken
CC combos are some of the best of the cast. Kyo is not dependent on his super. Easy character to pick up. All around type

_Shen Woo: Very strong character and I mean it, in previous game he was laking a defensive option, the answer is qcf+K, very fast (Anti Air),
combo from light attack and fairly safe on block and allow for juggle as well. Shen is a hard hitter, he deals damage like crazy (not raiden crazy)
and his normal moves are really good. CC are really good and with meter will win you the round. he is an up in your face type but beware when
he get super meter as the super will punish you from a distance.

_Joe Higashi: easiest character to use and darmn effective. lack an Anti Air as Tiger kick is going forward in an arc and will miss opponent
situated over you.got damaging combos from light attack and pressure really well. got good game from up close and far thanks
to tornado upper and slash kick(still main style is up close).other minus is that is super cannot be comboed into except in corner after CD
and during CC. CC are average and will need super to make the difference.(will probably go down with time)

Middle top

_Terry Bogart: powerfull character, good specials, average normals, good combos and crazy CC (add super meter and you win the round).
need to be carfull because of vulnerability from blocked special.

_Robert Garcia: another decent character, lot of moves and tricks but damage isnt that great. CC is average but need Super to deal good damage.
(may go down with time if nothing new is discovered).

_Andy Bogart: we dont have dedicated andy players in london yet. he seems very good for combos and controling space with fireball
and Zaneken. His dragon punch is very good. Good CC without super.

_Chin: tricky character, he wins mainly because people dont understand his moves so they cant block or stuff them. He may go up with time if he is
not an one trick pony.

_Ralf: Mister muscle, this guy is the real hard hitter. You dont want to get hit and you dont want to eat a counter. Ralf with super= very dangerous,
Ralf with super+CC= Death. Yes he lost his grab but he earned much more power. No anti air is his downfall but the auto guard of some of his
specials make up for it. Very easy CC to perform yet with the super you as good as dead, nuff said. May go up but improbable because auto guard
property is hard to use.

_Kim: again, no one uses him seriously in London so very hard to see the potential his position is my opinion. he may go down if not as good
as I believe.

_Benimaru: average character, good balance between offence and defence. good combos, CC are ok but not jaw dropping. Dragon punch(kick)
is good but doesnt go forward so will miss sometimes if not carefull. if you put the effort to learn him it will pay off.(solid mid tier, less likely to
move unless crazy discovery)

_Athena: London's Cristina uses Athena and get good result. seems like a gmmicky character with the (broken) shield but got really
good combo (beware of the corner) and decent pressure but nothing extraordinare so far.

_Leona: simple and powerfull.

Midle low

_Ryo Sakazaki: he probably got the second best dragon punch after Kyo, he got really good combos and good CC but the problem is his range.
fireball dont go forward and range of normals are shit. he may go up if people start winning bare matches with him (I mean found a way around
the range problem)

_Clark: Jump D is still his best AA. special grab seems a bit slow to comes out(not as slow as Iori's one). The thing about special grab
in kof 12 is that you cannot grab during active frame of a move. with Clark you have to force your opponent to stay still(clark still) and
you do that with his very good normals and front dash(6+BD). he doesnt have that many combos on CC isnt that great.

_Ash: Another good character but with some problems, fireballs are good but clashing system make them dangerous to use. Flash kick isnt
invulnerable and wont stop cross up. good combos from different attack(weak and strong), CC average.

_Raiden: second best in power after Ralf (shen being 3rd) his specials are more power ful than Ralf's one but he doesnt have Ralf's combos...
Up close is his favorite position and you knocked down is best situation. good oki is his strong point wich lead to crazy damage. Beware of corner
against raiden. His air grab is the best DP!?(no one have stuffed it yet and I main him). Why mid low? CC are average and I got trouble coming out
of corner pressure. He will probably go up in mid top.

_Iori: why is Iori in mid low? Iori got some very good combos from his grab, thing is the grab is slow and have little to no range so if you dont land
the hits before the grab you may not do damage. Iori got no mixup, you can only do empty jump>low attack or bait some long recovery move
or counter hit. I played against Tim's Iori and it didnt look hard, Tim has got crazy execution skills but if iori cannot get a clean hit he cant do much.
He will probably go up anyway when i get to loose a bit more against him.


_Goro: He will win round and matches but you will have to work for it. his hand grabs got auto guard and makes both attack very scary.CC are worse of the game.

_Duo Lon: another of my main. I know that I said in SRK that DL isnt low tier or bad (something like that). Well I do win rounds with him but the amount of work that I have perform compare to Joe is just crazy. He got little combos, nothing damaging, no real AA, Super is shit, only good in combo or punish wiffed move. and I almost forgot CC is rubbish if no super and NO CORNER, even if conditions are good damage is just ok...

_Sie Kensou: I havent see anyone winning a round with conviction using Kensou. that the main reason for him to be where he is. He got plenty of moves but I havent see damage or tactics being used.Will go up when people start using him more seriously.

This is my tier list, it isnt perfect and the people who played the game a lot may not agree. if you dont please post why and we may work toward a more reflective tier list. keep in mind that the game is still recent and tier will change again and again.
except for Kyo the game seems balanced, any character can win if he knows what to do and what NOT to do.

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Re: KOF XII Tier List

Post by Tiamat » Sat Jun 20, 2009 09:38

I find it hard to believe Iori and Ash are that low though I'm just going off what I've seen in videos. I don't see why deadlock makes it risky for ash to use projectiles, can you elaborate? Iori's grab is slow yeah but he has such good combos and range on his normals that I can't see him being that low.

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Re: KOF XII Tier List

Post by Kane317 » Wed Jul 01, 2009 11:01

Tier list from Arcadia this month

S Rank: Kyo, Iori
A Rank: Terry, Andy, Joe, Shen Woo, Kensou, Ralf, Kim, Ryo
B Rank: Robert, Ash, Chin, Raiden, Daimon
C Rank: Benimaru, Duo-lon, Leona, Athena
D Rank: Clark

Damn, I really disagree with a lot of the list; mainly Kensou being that high (compared to Robert). Iori, although has some interesting mix ups, all revolve landing a command throw that's not that easy to land. The rest of his moves are good but nothing special, I don't think that's significant enough to give him that edge.

Kyo's easy to see. Joe however, I still believe he should be S.

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Re: KOF XII Tier List

Post by ArkiveZero » Fri Jul 31, 2009 08:51

kensou really shot up the tier list now didn't he? lol

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