King of Fighters WING

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King of Fighters WING

Post by IsshunSengeki » Fri Apr 22, 2011 16:19

Everyone's so broken, the game is balanced! Except for Orochi, but you can't play him anyway!
EDIT: You can play as Orochi. D:
Tournament viable? Oh, Jesus no. Fun? Hell yes.

Okay, it's another fan-made Flash fighting game. But it's probably the best out there. It's made by a bunch of Chinese dudes that call themselves 'FlashWing' (which I suppose is where they get the 'WING' in the title from). I've checked on the Chinese website (" onclick=";return false;) and they've currently got KOF WING 1.5. The best we've got is KOF WING 1.4 in English. I've been screwing around with it, and here are the characters so far:

Kyo Kusanagi
Iori Yagami
Moriya (Last Blade 2)
Ryu (SvC Chaos)
Kula Diamond
Mai Shiranui
Chun-Li (CvS2) [Chinese 1.5 only]

Controls are almost exactly like a KOF game, but optimised for keyboard. To accommodate for this, a lot of moves have been simplified. [i.e. Iori's Scum Gale is now HCF .P ]
Default controls are this:

WASD = Up, down, left, right, you know the drill.
For some reason, instead of U and I being weak and heavy punch and so on, U and I, from the beginning, are assigned to weak attacks, while J and K are assigned to heavy attacks. Luckily, controls are customisable.
L is a shortcut for your standard .A .B roll thing.
O is an... er... let's call it the closest thing this game is going to get to a MAX mode. It has three different modes: Power, Defend and Skill. While activated, Power powers up your DMs, Defend adds ridiculous amounts of autoguard to all of your attacks, and Skill is actually a form of cancel mode. Cancelling becomes a lot easier, so you can Skill Cancel normals into specials, specials into specials, specials into DMs, etc. All modes give you access to your HDMs. Each character has two of them, and HDM commands are universal. qcf O and QCB O.
To activate Power mode, just press O. To activate Defend mode, press O while holding bk . To activate Skill mode, press O while holding fwd .

I've assigned my personal character study of this game to K'. Feel free to study any other characters. Keep in mind each character has an alternate version (herein referred to as 'alt' or 'EX') with altered special moves, DMs and HDMs. I will be studying normal K'. If you want to select an Alt character, hold 'O' while selecting your character.


Eins Trigger: qcf .P
- Second Shoot: .B [Alt K' has a flaming tiger knee special here]
- Second Shell: .D
Tenma Shoot (My personal name for it): QCB .P
I think this move was in 2k3.
Minute Spike: QCB .K [Alt K's Minute Spike hits 3 times]
- No Narrow Spike here
Blackout: QCB .K
Crow Bites: DP .P
- Follow-up: .K (From .C version only)
K'nee (see what I did there?): DP .K [Alt K' missing this move because it's his Second Shoot] (Missing the downward kick from Alt K's Second Shoot)

Heat Drive: qcf qcf .P
Super Tenma Shoot: qcf qcf .K

Destruction Drive Ranbu (That's DDR!): qcf O
K' starts by doing a huge dash forward. If the dash connects, he then proceeds to beat the living shit out of them, ending with a giant ASPLODE! Timed right, it can juggle (which isn't surprising, considering that juggles in this game are beyond broken).

Shooting Heaven Drive: QCB O
Starts out with the first two uppercuts of Heaven Drive, then he does a huge Eins Trigger and a really big, explosive Second Shoot. Timing this in a juggle actually requires concentration.

My favourite combos (I'm referring to specials by their names to save me clicking):

[corner] Eins Trigger - Second Shell >>Minute Spike >> Crow Bites - Follow-up
Yes, this actually works.

[anywhere] Eins Trigger - Second Shell >> Minute Spike >> Heat Drive (Replace Heat Drive with DDR if you're in MAX mode)

You can connect an Eins Trigger from just about anything. It will combo. Jump D, close standing C, fwd B, I can go on.
fwd .B >> fwd .A
I'm not even joking. This combos and knocks down.

Well, as you can see, this game is broken to shit. But it's tons of fun. I've downloaded the .SWFs, so here you go. I've got English 1.4 and Chinese 1.5.
Report your findings, ON soldiers!

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Re: King of Fighters WING

Post by Gunsmith » Thu May 12, 2011 00:25

.. it's been on the website for years. Go the games section." onclick=";return false;

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Re: King of Fighters WING

Post by IsshunSengeki » Thu May 12, 2011 12:21

Well, I know THAT, Mr. Gunsmith, but your version is out-dated! As in, yours is probably more balanced than the latest version... shut up! :P

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Re: King of Fighters WING

Post by Gunsmith » Fri May 13, 2011 05:09

they're still updating this monstrousity?

well I don't care


(I don't even know what derp is)

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Re: King of Fighters WING

Post by Dark_Chaotix » Sat May 14, 2011 02:22


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Re: King of Fighters WING

Post by IsshunSengeki » Mon May 16, 2011 09:07

Flash game.

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