[UM] Geese

Was it all just Shingo's dream?
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[UM] Geese

Post by PenPen » Wed Apr 02, 2008 17:50

Apparently I haven't covered him yet.

f+B: Overhead, but farking slow to come out.

qcf+P: KOF 96 Reppuken/Double Reppuken, now both versions linkable from weak attacks (like low A). Both doesn't have much recovery time.
hcb+B: High counter. Can follow with df+C for OTG goodness.
hcb+D: Mid counter. Can follow with df+C.
hcf+B: Low counter, can follow with Deadly Rave (I haven't seen it but I assume it's a juggle).
Air qcb+P: Shippuken, Geese throws a ranged blast in front of him and I think he follows afterwards.
hcb+P: Jaei Ken. Note that the C version comes out slower, but apparently in the corner, if it hits, you can follow with both supers.
dp+P: From what I saw, it's like Geese's version of Power Dunk.
hcb,f+P: That throw which Rock also got.

db,hcb,df+P/AC: Raging Storm, links off a low A. The DM version is like a dome shape instead of the 'cage' that you saw in 96. Pretty nice move, better than EX Geese since it covers the top and his back.
qcf,hcb+P/AC: Deadly Rave, now a ranbu move where you don't need to input anything afterwards.

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Post by Kyosuke Kagami » Thu Apr 03, 2008 02:45

Is dp+P now useful?

I remember it being total crap in 96.

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Post by TamaYak » Thu Apr 03, 2008 03:43

Kyosuke Kagami wrote:Is dp+P now useful?

I remember it being total crap in 96.
You do dp+punch in the corner and then you can do his deadly rave while there still in the air.


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Post by ~!T.T!~ » Thu Apr 03, 2008 07:24

glad to hear that a cancelled reppuu ken doesnt allow for RAGING STORM like in SvC anymore....Damn, that shit was broke

what about his OTG move? Does he still have it?

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Post by PenPen » Fri Apr 04, 2008 08:26

Yeah, it's df+C. But so far from what I saw, it fails at times and Geese does a low C instead.

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Post by AcidicEnema » Sat Apr 12, 2008 20:12

- His Rising Storm is a lot better than Ex Geese's. Not only does it cover both front and back, but it seems to come out faster too.

- Deadly Rave combos off d.B> d.A

The rest of this pertains to both Geese's, but I'll just post it in this thread and let the mods decide if they want to replicate stuff in Character/Ex character threads.

In general his normals make him quite good at pressure. He's also got a good hop arc for pressure.

- Jump C can be timed to hit twice.

- Jump B is a has a huge cross up box.

- Both far stand C and far stand D are fast+ have large hit boxes. Excellent pokes.

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Post by Kane317 » Sun Jul 13, 2008 12:01

Turns out that fwd+B is NOT an overhead.

In the corner, hcb+C does combo into Deadly Rave but not Raging Storm. Unfortunately, you cannot combo into hcb+C.

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Post by frionel » Sun Jul 13, 2008 15:26

Kane317 wrote: Unfortunately, you cannot combo into hcb+C.
Thanks god you can't! He's already too strong, and the most annoying character in the game! Totaly no skill, if you are in the corner against him, the round is already finished...

This character is really really strong... Cheap, easy to play with, and has no really bad match ups...

Stronger than the Ex version with no doubt.

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Post by Tel » Sun Jul 13, 2008 15:43

Stronger, but not necessarily easier. EX Geese is generally a lot easier to use than regular Geese. It's true Geese is really nasty in the corner, with the Reppuu Ken being strong pressure, and one light attack getting in is all you need to score a DP+A > Quick MAX > Deadly Rave. And you can always surprise someone with a command throw if the turtle too much, or a counter if they try to break out. But the problem with using regular Geese is that you have to keep the pressure up close in the corner for him to be really nasty, and without stock, he's lacking a good anti-air option in the open.

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Post by frionel » Sun Jul 13, 2008 16:11

Trust me, just keeping doing random double reppuken/cr C until putting the opponent in the corner is really effective! I've seen a lot of mid level players starting using him by just dumb copying how he's played by the good players. And even with no real strategy or mind game, they result to be really annoying, specialy if they add some random DM in the sulfuric mix...

I'm more specialised on the Ex version, since I play him on ranking/tournaments, but when I use the normal one, I feel way more stronger, and have to think less... Double reppuken is really too powerfull!!

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Post by Tel » Sun Jul 13, 2008 16:46

I'll have to take your word for it, since there isn't a 98UM arcade machine around, so all my playing is done on the PS2 version.

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Post by J]-[UN » Sun Jul 13, 2008 20:01

I'd use a stock to roll as soon as I hear "double................"

Don't be afraid to throw out random light pokes occasionally to mess up the guy's rhythm even if you get hit by HIS poke, feint jumps/moves to keep the guy on edge and do everything you can to stay or get out of the corner (this actually applies to any character la ~_~)

Basically to fight a strong/cheapass geese effectively you'd need a very strong understanding of the game mechanics as well as the reflexes to pull stuff off within a split second (sorta like fighting a lame athena in 2k2 or a really good goro in 98 or a really abusive gato in xi)

Nothing is easier than beating an opponent who is too afraid to do anything =/

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Post by frionel » Sun Jul 13, 2008 20:14

Yes, I dind't say that he is invincible. I still can beat him with any character, as long as I can be better than my oponent, and I know when I can escape from his pressure.

I'm just saying that in any hands, he can be very dangerous, as long as they know what move they have to spam.

There is a lot of solutions to evade the double reppuken corner pressure, the only problem is that in 70% of the times, you have to guess more than to react...

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Post by AcidicEnema » Sun Jul 13, 2008 22:19

Hmmm I've always thought that Ex Geese was the easier one to play, since his reppukens and double shippukens complement his normals (particularly c.D, c.C, s.D, s.C) better when it comes to controlling space.

So if Geese is so good/easy to use, why is it 13 Ex Geese players qualified for SBO while only 2 regular Geese players did?

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Post by Kane317 » Mon Jul 14, 2008 00:58

AcidicEnema wrote:Hmmm I've always thought that Ex Geese was the easier one to play, since his reppukens and double shippukens complement his normals (particularly c.D, c.C, s.D, s.C) better when it comes to controlling space.

So if Geese is so good/easy to use, why is it 13 Ex Geese players qualified for SBO while only 2 regular Geese players did?
Yes, pray tell. Why did so many choose EX Geese over Regular, someone tell me what I'm missing!?!?!

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