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Input notation

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 02:20
by IsshunSengeki
I spend a fair bit of time on the Dustloop forums. As anyone who has been there will know, they use a notation system that (I think) is fairly popular in Japan. Basically, numbers are used to signify directions. It's like looking at your numpad.

|7 8 9| ub up- uf
|4 5 6| bk N fwd
|1 2 3| db dwn df

I know it may seem like second nature to you guys, but when I see something like c .A , I'm not sure whether that means close A or crouching A.
I would note crouching A as 2A. Close A would be something like cl.5A (5 being the neutral on the stick, really helps in a lot of cases).

Here's a translation of general inputs:
qcf = 236
DP = 623
sonicboom = [4]6
HCB = 63214
You should be able to figure out the rest.

I may end up using this notation system if everyone's okay with this. What do you guys think?

Re: Input notation

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 05:34
by mutagene
I'm more used to this notation than anything else, coming from the Touhou fighters. I have no qualms with anyone using it in their guides.

Re: Input notation

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 09:01
by Gunsmith
wellllll.... nobody's gonna stop you, but the western kof/sf crowd use the notation we use. check any faq to confirm.

close A = close A
if it needs to be close you're gonna have to write it so that ppl don't get confused with crouching. This still happens.

otherwise, if you put A, we assume it's standing otherwise ppl write "c" or "cr." for crouching or "low"

Re: Input notation

Posted: Mon Jan 10, 2011 12:42
by Dark_Chaotix
Argh..... Hate number pad notation. So annoying to read and picture the move in my head.

Most english kof site uses qcf, hcf etc type notation with A/B/C/D/E etc for button presses and not lp,lk,hp,hk.

What is also just as annoying is someone writing moves by their move wtf, who remembers move names from the different games (since it gets changed every now and then)

Do as you see fit but i usually skip stuff like that until someone either rewrites it or I really bother to read it (if its important)

Re: Input notation

Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 02:47
by IsshunSengeki
Fair enough, I just wanted to see how many people would be annoyed if I used this notation system. It works fairly well for me, but I can work with the one you guys use here.

Re: Input notation

Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2011 01:04
by giga_d
I don't mind either but I prefer the "df, u, l. . ."