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What would happen in your country?

Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2010 13:28
by Fuu
Let's consider this hypothetical scenario:

1 - 17 years old, very pretty girl, gets arrested for theft;
2 - The President/Prime Minister(whom we'll call B.) phones to the police station related to the case, and said girl is freed soon;
3 - Later on, said girl is interrogated; she reveals that she was often at the B's mansion, and was invited to "bunga bunga"( ... unga-bunga" onclick=";return false; sounds kinda eh, but she goes in details and it seems about that) with other guests, albeit she did not it directly with B.;
4 - she did receive precious presents from B., even a car;
5 - when confronted about 2, B. smiled and said he has such a great heart and helps people in needs; didn't leave replies about 3 or 4.

What would happen if your President/Prime Minister/what-you-have was in this kind of position?
Would he be forced to resign?
Would his career be ruined?
Or could he get away with it?

Re: What would happen in your country?

Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2010 15:30
by International Bastard
That Berlusconi gets away with everything. Last i heard the news here said she might have made everything up.
Oh wait it's not about that thing that came out today?

I don't know, the Netherlands ten years ago it would be over but now i'd say he might be able to laugh/bluff his way out of it. Just start a new row about immigration and good to go.

Re: What would happen in your country?

Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2010 16:16
by Edgey
If something like that happened in Canada, there would probably be an outcry for him to be ousted and his reputation ruined because of it.
I'm going to assume that there would be an outcry just for the letting her go without consequences.

That said since she's 17, they probably would have just given her a slap on the wrist because youth criminals don't get any consequences here because we're too light on crime. That's a whole different subject mind you. :P

Re: What would happen in your country?

Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2010 20:04
by Fuu
International Bastard wrote:That Berlusconi gets away with everything. Last i heard the news here said she might have made everything up.
Oh wait it's not about that thing that came out today?

I don't know, the Netherlands ten years ago it would be over but now i'd say he might be able to laugh/bluff his way out of it. Just start a new row about immigration and good to go.
Yes it's the new thing. Today he said he is just looking for an adoptive family for the girl, btw she looks like this:


I just heard the director of his newspaper, defending him with: Mussolini had a lot of women too.

i swear i don't even feel anything anymore.

Re: What would happen in your country?

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2010 00:10
by hebretto
haha if our PM in Australia did something like that it'd be instant KO methinks ... Kevin Rudd "angered" some people (domestically and internationally) and they had the deputy-PM boot him ... politics is SRS BIDNES here

Re: What would happen in your country?

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2010 05:44
by Demon_Mexican
Well you guys know whats happens in USA when our leaders do such a thing.



Re: What would happen in your country?

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2010 14:57
by Shiny

Re: What would happen in your country?

Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2011 23:24
by Shiny
Captain Bunga Bunga has stepped down. Happy Fuu or Sad Fuu? Or possibly...Kung Fuu?

Re: What would happen in your country?

Posted: Sun Nov 13, 2011 14:34
by Fuu
It's relieving, he was finally cornered and he couldn't talk it out with the usual bullshit. Still there isn't much to be happy about, now we're getting a technical/non-political government that's going to do stuff that parties don't have the balls to do because they'd lose votes. This sounds good to me but it also means sorry, democracy has failed, which i have been suspecting for a while.

But yes, it looks like he's done. His companies are in difficulties too, and he can't do laws to protect em anymore. I don't care what happen to Bungasconi, just as long as he's not in power.

btw his goverment looked like a gallery of Batman villains, that has to account for something.



