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ON's Gamer Guide to Japan

Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2010 14:04
by Gunsmith
As a last ditch distraction from a mountain of work, I've patched up a few of these pages:" onclick=";return false;

I'm planning to add

How to use the subway
How to order food
Cheap places to stay

But you know me, a lot of plans, not a lot of time, and I like playing games instead of work. Still, if there's anything you'd really want to go on these, that would help you if you were planning a trip, let me know and I'll see what I can do.

Re: ON's Gamer Guide to Japan

Posted: Fri Sep 03, 2010 22:59
by 0style
Y didnt you ask Umehara Daigo to play kof?

Re: ON's Gamer Guide to Japan

Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2010 12:10
by om3g4prism
Hilariously enough, I'm going to Japan in two weeks, so yeah, great timing Gun. Could you perhaps add something like, "Places that might be exciting to see for fans of KOF?"

Re: ON's Gamer Guide to Japan

Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2010 12:55
by Gunsmith
Alt3zza wrote:Y didnt you ask Umehara Daigo to play kof?
I did chat with him, actually. He doesn't know KOF at all. AT ALL. I originally asked him to pick any character for the "I <3" sign but he didn't know any so he let me pick. I was trying to think of an obscure character, thank God for Dobiqwolf who told me to put the obvious.

om3g, good idea. Whereabouts are you going? Tokyo? Osaka has actually more recognisable landmarks for the KOF fan, but get your butt over to Tokyo's HEY arcade and sit at the kof 98 10 yen corner - then you will have held the same stick that I did. Ooooh that sounds freaky. Forget Shibuya, unless you want to see Hachiko, Shinjuku's spot 21 and Sega Battle Arena have the good stuff. Pay close attention to the Akiba guide and even the pennies you save now will get used up hohohohohohoho

Re: ON's Gamer Guide to Japan

Posted: Sat Sep 04, 2010 13:00
by Shiny
*flies to Japan from Ken's stage in SF2, fights E.Honda. Loses.*

Re: ON's Gamer Guide to Japan

Posted: Sun Sep 05, 2010 00:05
by Gunsmith
I've updated this a bit with more maps and things to do... you should definitely pick up some SNK t-shirts while you're there, if there still around. I don't know about the exchange rate right now but it sucks for the british pound.... stuff was really expensive, compared to the trip before.

Re: ON's Gamer Guide to Japan

Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2010 14:56
by om3g4prism
Yeah, the exchange rate is similarly brutal for both American dollars AND Korean won. ;_;

Hm, I am landing in Osaka, so that sounds like the place to start. Excellent. Thanks for the useful guidelines. You are a gentleman and a scholar. :salute:

*crosses Shibuya off the list*

*double underlines Shinjuku*

SIDE NOTE: I'm honestly not surprised that Daigo doesn't know kof in the slightest. I always kind of thought of him as a Street Fighter specialist. I imagine he practices an awful lot to get sent around the world to show the Nipponese colors. Also, I would've lol'd really hard if you'd put "I <3 Yuri" on that piece of paper. takuma1

Re: ON's Gamer Guide to Japan

Posted: Mon Sep 06, 2010 22:08
by Gunsmith
Flattery will get you everywhere: I updated the guide for more bits on Osaka / Den Den Town, finished the Osaka arcade guide (not very big coz I only liked one arcade), and added some photos of Japan in general." onclick=";return false;

If you have any questions about Japan before you go, please do ask.

As for Daigo, there's always next year!

Re: ON's Gamer Guide to Japan

Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 03:56
by hebretto
10 star for the article and ratio 6 for this thread ^_^b

I can't wait till I tell my friends I know Russell Brand hahahah