Erm, I'm getting a 360 or ps3

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which console should I get that I don't need?

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Erm, I'm getting a 360 or ps3

Post by Gunsmith » Sun Oct 05, 2008 01:09

errrr which? I have to make my mind up now as my friends have been asking what I want for xmas... subtle lol

but I dunno! HELP!

I like KOF and er... silent hill... not much else lol, which console should I get?

free online kof sounds good... :x

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Post by 0style » Sun Oct 05, 2008 02:37

i voted for 360... but oro and SS have ps3, and i don't own a 360 anymore...

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Post by Eczema » Sun Oct 05, 2008 04:21

I used to have a 360 before it died on me. So yeah, I don't trust 360 anymore and am inclined to vote PS3.

But really, there should be a neither option here. Why not get a Wii?

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Post by Gojira » Sun Oct 05, 2008 04:49

I have both systems and I can only say this.

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Post by Gunsmith » Sun Oct 05, 2008 12:36

a wii is out of the question - I've always seen the latest nintendo consoles as something to plug in a fad gadget: drums, keyboards, dildos whatever.

I just wanna play FF and SH and KOF

What's this I hear about 360 needing more compressed games? blue ray holds 50 gig????

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Post by Eczema » Sun Oct 05, 2008 14:03

Gojira wrote:I have both systems and I can only say this.
Not sure if this was intentional, but this post made me ROFL.

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Post by Apathy Wind » Sun Oct 05, 2008 15:44

I have a PS3 but I've honestly never even taken it out of the box. That established:

- I personally can't trust the 360 at all. The alarming rate of RRoD means it's not so much a matter of if the thing will break but when. And since I expect my consoles to live longer then three years (of warranty coverage) this isn't acceptable.

- Exclusives to date haven't been too impressive for either system IMO - for me it kind of boils down to Dead Rising vs the upcoming God of War III/Twisted Metal. So I guess any prospective buyers would have to try and anticipate which system would get further releases. SFIV will hit both systems and I'd have to guess KoFXII would too. FFFXIII and SH:H are going to be available on both platforms. For me I had to try and guess where my niche Japanese releases are going to hit (i.e. Atlus, Nippon Ichi) - history suggests it'll be on the PS3 but who knows for sure? I'd recommend really thinking out what you like (want) to play and trying to determine where such releases might land. It's guessing but thats really all one can do at this point.

- PS3 online is free but I can't compare it's validity to Xbox Live. I've played a mess of TF2 on the PSN - it connects okay and seems to run fine over my friends DSL connection. PS3 TF2 players are getting screwed in that they aren't getting the game's extra DLC but I think thats an issue with the games developer/release company more than the PSN (SS might know more on this). I also can't comment on the PSN's management of friends or online invites (TF2 is online only) - maybe Oro or SS can clarify this. I do want to say that I've heard that it is lacking beyond Xbox Live in these departments though.

Hopefully some of this helps you in some way.

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Post by Fuu » Mon Oct 06, 2008 14:05

Apathy Wind wrote: - I personally can't trust the 360 at all. The alarming rate of RRoD means it's not so much a matter of if the thing will break but when. And since I expect my consoles to live longer then three years (of warranty coverage) this isn't acceptable.
yeah, if it wasn't for this i'd consider a 360 for online fighters, but not as it stands.
I think i'll be getting a PS3 in the future because as strange as it might sound, i feel Sony has by far the best 1st party games. Siren is one of my favourite games, Fumito Ueda games are fantastic, and i really liked Gran Turismo before i realized i hate cars. And i guess Little Big Planet looks really interesting, i wonder if it's going to deliver.
While 360 does have superior online, i hear that PS3 is getting better and better.

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Post by Edgey » Mon Oct 06, 2008 16:22

PS3 because I need more buddies. :kula:

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Post by Apathy Wind » Mon Oct 06, 2008 18:29

Fuu wrote: Siren is one of my favourite games
My friend downloaded Siren: Blood Curse - I've watched him play it and it looks pretty cool. I don't know jack about the series but he said that while it's not as good (or involved apparently) as the original it's still a great game.

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Post by SonicTempest » Mon Oct 06, 2008 18:51

I can't say anything about the PS3's online because I haven't used it to play anything online yet.

I can confirm that the PS3 version of TF2 isn't going to get any of the updates, though, because EA ported the game to PS3 and Valve doesn't have any PS3 developers.

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Post by Gunsmith » Mon Oct 06, 2008 21:35

this is the most important thread ever!

(I probably won't open the box of either console until next xmas when I can afford a hd tv lol)

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Post by Shiny » Mon Oct 06, 2008 21:36

Get a if it rrod we can r.ofl

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Post by Apathy Wind » Mon Oct 06, 2008 22:07

This probably isn't that (or possibly in any way) relevant but I have to wonder if each console's audience makes any difference. I mean if you want to play Japanese 2D fighters online I'd think it best to consider where you're actually going to find people to play with. The 360 is popular in the West but I wanna say primarily with FPS and Madden type gamers. I'm sure a number of 360 owners like/follow 2D fighters but I have to wonder how many and to what degree. I seem to recall alot of people downloading World Warrior when it came out but there then being alot of idiocy (i.e. "that guy knocked my out of my sumo torpedo with a fireball! That's cheap/cheating/some other dumb arse excuse!! I quit!!!").

I have no grounds to support this ridiculous theory but I want to say that more PS3 owners would be inclined to play (and take seriously) 2D fighters. I can say that at the very least the 360 isn't selling that well in Japan so I'd have to assume that their KoF/SF online community is going to be on the PS3.

Also it doesn't seem that anyone here actually has a 360 (StyLu no longer has his, Kriz's broke). I think the only other person to have a 360 at ON was the recently deceased KK. So any ON 2D battles are apparently going be via the PS3 ....

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Post by Bugle/Hawk'M » Mon Oct 06, 2008 22:50

I got both, and I'd say for social stuff 360 is better. I really don't play fighters on either. PS2 has all the recent releases, so I use that for most everything. As for future releases, it's up in the air, but if the next generation of 2d fighters follows the mold of other types of games then they will be multiplatform. So it basically comes down to the demographics of your friends. It seems that the ON community and the generally European audience leans toward Sony, so I guess that means PS3 would be more for you.

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