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Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2005 11:24
by Blastrezz
~!T.T!~ wrote:the followup for her qcb A/C is just the second part of the kof version of that move, meaning she picks them up off the ground and throws them behind her
Oh yeah. Now as you say it.... I know it in KoF but I don't play Shermie there. But now I remember that i've done the follow-up by accident when I was playing her in NGBC.
~!T.T!~ wrote:and the dp b/d followup belongs to the hcfX2 A/C super, not the hcbX2 A/C one.....she just does her air grab which you can followup with a qcf B/D afterwards
Thanks. Corrected it in the List/Posting of me above.

Still mystery remains: What is 2hcb+P super then? This didn't come out at all...

Also thanks Geese.


Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2005 06:29
by Ratix0
From what I read, shermie cute can only be followed up from the first QCB+P? Or the second?

Next, any point to doing her QCB+P once? What does it leave your opponent at? Flat on the ground? Anything new? Considering theres this, it seems to be useless...

And shermie seem to look fun to use ^_^.

Question about her overhead f+B. If I don't cancel into it, but just do it, is it still cancelable? It wasn't in KOF AFAIK, but you didn't mention. In KOF, its only cancelable when cancled into. How about NGBC?

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2005 07:43
by Blastrezz
Ratix0 wrote:From what I read, shermie cute can only be followed up from the first QCB+P? Or the second?

Next, any point to doing her QCB+P once? What does it leave your opponent at? Flat on the ground? Anything new? Considering theres this, it seems to be useless...
Can't answer this. I never really played Shermie and was so surprised to find her a lot of fun as you wrote yourself, too, that I didn't use the qcb+P. I think in KoF it's used as AA... Need to check it out more when I have the chance to play NGBC again. I don't think qcb+P alone is of any special use. You should always do a follow-up, I guess.
Ratix0 wrote:Question about her overhead f+B. If I don't cancel into it, but just do it, is it still cancelable? It wasn't in KOF AFAIK, but you didn't mention. In KOF, its only cancelable when cancled into. How about NGBC?
Nah, not cancelable in itself..... Hell, that would be too broken :) f+B is already fast and useful enough now.


Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2005 04:58
by ~!T.T!~
qcb A/C does leave your opponent flat on the ground right next to you, and shermie cute can only be done after the 2nd qcb A/C

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2005 15:02
by Ratix0
Wouldn't that break the point of having QCB+P? Might as well just do the chain. Or maybe... Its used to trap opponent at corner? Because if you follow up, I think due to being in corner, you'll be pushd away. Making it hard to to corner them?

*idea idea!*

Will be playing more NGBC after my promos.

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2005 08:01
by Ratix0
I've been playing quite abit of Shermie and I'm pretty sure Beast00 is pissed off at my annoying Shermie :)

Just to add, HCF+K is super cancelable. I accidentally did HCF+K ,QCF+K. It super cancled it into the QCF,QCF+K DM(Which practically is useless when SCed off). However, I don't know if she has any other SC. I might think of a good use for this. B, f+B, HCF+K -> HCF,HCF+P ? ? ?

Oh yeah, her B, f+B repeat can be out prioritise by a few moves(Mainly the usual Anti Air), and countered. One way to deal with counters is to mix Stand B with Crouch B.

Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 20:59
by spount
shermie es la muñeca mas hermosa es mi reyna o yeahh¡¡¡ :kiss: rofl SHERMIE MY QUEEN¡¡¡¡

Posted: Sat Sep 30, 2006 12:44
by Perfect Stranger
Errr... well, although I guess I should be glad someeone`s still posting on the NGBC, as a mod it`s my duty to inform you of 2 things:

1. ON is an English forum, kindly limit your usage of Spanish (I think).

2. This thread is meant for serious gameplay discussion, e.g. move properties, attack pressure strings, etc. Comments like `Shermie is AWESOME` do not belong here.

That`s it, have a nice stay at ON.

Posted: Sat Sep 30, 2006 19:49
by spount
¿what 's your problem???? if i can speak to many language? i know french too, and shermie still be the georgeus queen¡¡¡ quit mazing around asshole. i'm a MEXICAN PEOPLE bitch y ME VALE MADRE QUE ME SAQUEN DEL FORO PENDEJO..... A CHINGAR A TU MADRE ESE......



Posted: Sat Sep 30, 2006 22:44
by Alseid
Eh, me han pedido que te repita lo que dijo Perfect Stranger, pues pareces no haberlo endentido.

"Errr... bueno, aunque supongo que deberia alegrarme de que alguien todavia postea en NGBC, como moderador es mi deber informarte de 2 cosas:

1. ON es un foro en English, por favor se tan amable de limitar tu uso del Español (creo).

2. Este tema esta pensado para discutir seriamente el juego, por elemplo las propiedades de cada movimiento, etc. Comentarios como "Shermie es increible" no pertenecen aqui.

Eso es todo, disfruta tu estadia en ON."

Ahora, de mi parte, te recomiendo que te calmes y dejes esa actitud. Nadie esta siendo racista, solo se te esta pidiendo, de buena manera, que sigas las reglas que aceptaste al registrarte en este foro.
Aqui hay muchos miembros de habla hispana, la mayoria de Mexico, asi como muchos de otros idiomas y lugares, y varios de ellos, incluyendome, son moderadores y administradores.
Sigue comportandote asi, y solo lograras que, en efecto, te terminen sacando de aqui. No todos tenemos tanta paciencia como Perfect Stranger, en especial cuando nos haces ver mal, "racialmente".

Dicho eso, reitero la bienvenida, si aceptas comportarte correctamente.

Posted: Sat Sep 30, 2006 22:48
by Sheba
Is Common Sense the Holy Grail's new name?

Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 05:59
by spount
mi razon de mi coraje fue de que EN NINGUN LADO DICE QUE DEBO MODERAR MI ESPAÑOL..... y fijate ese ERRR dice mucho para mi, yo creo que esa expresion es de repudio o me quieres dar otra explicacion??? se k me ensegue por mi contestacion y se oye super mal, y yo hice ese comentario por que shermie simplemente me encanta, si salieron ofendidos, o k esto no va a ki ,y que no se k, a mi no me importa si quieres o quieren aclarar algo mandenme correos por que este apartado es de mi reyna y me calamare cuando no me digan que modere mi lengua madre.

Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 07:30
by Alseid
El "err" no significa nada. Es como decir "uh", o algo asi. Cualquier otra cosa son paranoias tuyas.

En cuanto a las reglas, este es un foro evidente e inherentemente en Inglés, es cosa de sentido común saber que tienes que hablar en Inglés para postear aqui. De vez en cuando, en la sección off topic aparecen temas dedicados a distintos idiomas, para que los nativos de esos idiomas puedan hablar libremente. El Español es uno de los que aparece más frecuentemente, y si no hay uno de momento, eres libre para crearlo si quieres. Y sé que se están considerando ideas de hacer una sección internacional en el futuro. Pero hasta entonces, y en el resto del foro, se debe hablar Inglés. Si te niegas a moderar tu lengua nativa, tienes que buscar un foro en tu idioma. Te recomiendaría algunos, pero no estoy al tanto de la situación actual de los foros latinos de KoF, y la mayoría de los que conocía ya han desaparecido.

En cuanto a tu comentario, como dijo Stranger, este foro es para discutir las mecánicas del juego a fondo. Hay otros lugares para decir si nos gustan o no ciertos personajes, y por sentido común, argumentar el porqué de esas opiniones.

Por último, te repito que si no te comportas, te terminarán sacando.

Y no se los demás mods, pero yo en particular me canso rápido de ser diplomatico. Te recomiendo que no te asomes por la sección que yo modero.

Now, to the mods in charge here, I'd say this is strike two. One more, and it's up to you.

Sheba wrote:Is Common Sense the Holy Grail's new name?
It always was. It's just nowadays most people have given up the search, and even more have never even heard of it.

Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 18:03
by spount
primeramente gracias por esa informacion y por otro lado a mi no me interesa en lo mas minimo si eres diplomatico o k si estas loco o no se k, jaja y no trates de asustarme diciendome que no me meta en tus temas o sabe k , y pss bueno... esto inicio mal y terminara igual, y pss te hare un favor, que es que, si contestas o te sigues poniendo a hablar ya ni me inmutare, por que esta estupidez no mas estorba espacio en mi mail y pss como soy "PARANOICO" y mi "SENTIDO COMUN" no es como el tuyo jaja resulta ser molesto de verdad, y me da mucho gusto el que esto sucediera ¿pòr que?? jaja es facil, simplemente yo no sere borrego.

Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2006 19:03
by Alseid
Strike three. PS, would you do the honours? This just got ridiculous.