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Oswald (XI)

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2005 11:10
by khdu
Yes. I know you're starting to love this new guy.
*hopes he won't be a REAL replacement for Duo Lon, if you know what I mean*

Discuss. (and play cards!)

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2005 10:41
by PaGaN 3l3m3nts
In location test reports, they said that when you do his move that makes him throw cards, pressing one button makes him throw the cards upwards, whle pressing the other makes him throw them downwards. So... Did he mean that using one button makes him throw the cards at an upwards angle, as to hit opponents in the air (no KoF character has a move like that...), or did he mean that one hits high and one hits low, ala Top Venom and Under Venom (more likely)?

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2005 11:59
by 7d3j
Yamazaki and his belt is something, right?

I think it will be ala Yamazaki... THINK. :x

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2005 07:12
by PaGaN 3l3m3nts
Oh, yeah, there is Yamazaki's... And Whip in a way as well... But I was speaking more about actual projectiles...

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2005 13:36
by 7d3j
Yeah, you meant like Gambit huh...

You probably won't be able to SEE the cards flying... Think K9999's gun arm DM, you only see the explosions...

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2005 20:56
by PaGaN 3l3m3nts
Err, no, I think it shows the cards flying. O_O It seemed pretty obvious from the location test, and he said it showed Oswald throw a ton of cards in his DM... Furthermore... Well, I guess I could imagine it, similar to when Foxy throws the needle at you... But, I think the cards are actually shown...

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2005 08:50
by minimint
Gameplay pics from weekly ใƒ•ใ‚กใƒŸ้€š showing Oswald doing a 53hits combo. Seems that can damage half of the life of opponent.
pressing one button makes him throw the cards upwards
I think that means the flying card will make an convex curve and hit the opponent from above. From the pics, the throwing range of his card seems pretty long so I hope the speed is not that fast. (I mean not so fast till you can't see it, lol. :D )

Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2005 05:47
by Vice Vecta
Social service for you:

Oswald's Movelist:

2: b or f + C or D

Command Moves:
10: df + A
J: f + A

Special Moves:
Q: dp + A/B/C/D
K: rdp + K
Spade: qcb + P
Heart: qcf + K
Diamond: qcf + P
Club: qcb + K

Desperation Moves:
Four Suits: qcf,hcb + P
Royal Flush: hcbx2 + P

Leader Desperation Move:
Joker: bcf,b,f + E

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2005 13:11
by hebretto
I hate characters that has moves that all look the same, I get confused as what I did ... I kept doing this one move where he would hold up a card for a few moments only to discard it later ... it doesn't even attack the opponent and it's a special move ...

BnB from the Japanese match videos is:
Crouching B -> Crouching A -> qcb + C (2hits), qcf + C, qcb + B

^ Sometimes the qcb + C didn't connect for me but other times it did so I don't know what the problem might be

* He can chain / cancel some of his specials into other specials (eg qcf + A/C, qcb + A/C, qcf + B/D) ... I don't know the limitations or if the cancels can go in any order

* His fwd + A is a short ranged projectile (?) which can combo from Close C and combo into his specials but hit box seems funny ... might have just been me

* His dp + A/B/C/D moves are good but only at a distance cause if you're hit during it or even if he's about to throw them up they disappear ...

* His Jump B and D are really good as air-to-air anti airs

* His ranbu DM (?) and LDM are fast enough to combo from a Crouching A

(basic) Combos
* anything -> qcf + A, qcf + A
* anything -> qcf, hcb + A/C -> DC LDM (charge back, forward, back, forward + E) <==== too cool

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2005 12:00
by VAI
hebretto wrote:
* His fwd + A is a short ranged projectile (?) which can combo from Close C and combo into his specials but hit box seems funny ... might have just been me
is this the move that looks like his dp+button move? but isntead of tossing it in the air he just tosses it forward at their feet?

i havent' had a chance to test this perfectly, but from the looks of the vids

d+D(1 hit) xx f+A(?) xx qcf+A(or is it C?)x2 xx qcb+b

if someone can confirm what it was...thanks

also, i've seen oswald do something like s.C([close] as anti air), qcb+D, s.A....and at this point i'm pretty sure you have enough charge to combo joker in after s.A

Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2005 12:04
by hebretto
Yes (fwd + A) he tosses the card at their feet

The chain is actually qcb + A/C (2hits) -> qcf + C -> qcb + B

I think the combo is actually (df + A -> qcb + B -> A) but it seems you can juggle with Standing D (in corner) which does more damage

... just saw the two Oswald combos at (forgot where now ... go to the XI combo / match vids thread) and he's got some pretty ridiculous stuff ...

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2005 13:19
by ~!T.T!~
well I finally got a chance to play XI, and I picked oswald just to see what the fuss is about. here's my two cents:

d/f A is like an upwards card swipe which i kept doing by accident. Seems like a limited anti air, and I *think* it knocks them down. can be cancelled out of

his qcb A/C is grossly unsafe on hit if not cancelled out of, so is hit qcf B/D on block. I'm still trying to figure out exactly what string is safe on block as well as uninterruptable. so far I've found ending it with a qcb B/D keeps you relatively safe, but if the opponent sees it coming, they can interrupt, especially gato's punch DM as I found out today -_-

jump CD has surprising priority. Hits well both against the air and ground

oh, and I was doing crouching B, crouching A, qcb A/C, qcf C, qcf B, (qcf A whiff) to see if I could get anything to connect if the opponent was near the wall. I got standing A (which could probably go to LDM), but thats it

all in all, he doesn't really seem like a real top tier, but he's pretty damn high nonetheless...

edit: oh, and about the move where he holds up a card then throws it away, I found out that it's actually a counterattack. When the opponent hits you with the card out, the screen goes black for a bit, and it looks like you most probably may be able to followup, although I didnt react in time. command is rdp B (i think)

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2005 00:08
by SonicTempest
Since we just got KOF XI here, I'm planning to add this guy to my team.

Taken note of the B&Bs, but what gameplan do you resort to with him? A lot of the stuff he can do seems awfully laggy on block...

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2005 00:38
by Geese
ShadowSonic wrote:Since we just got KOF XI here, I'm planning to add this guy to my team.

Taken note of the B&Bs, but what gameplan do you resort to with him? A lot of the stuff he can do seems awfully laggy on block...
From the videos, it seems like just mixing up dwn a and dwn D (1 hit), fwd A into the BnBs seems to work. Ive also noticed, that his air priority is pretty bad. So my gameplan would include to jump as little as possible.

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2005 04:18
by Empyrian
Qcb P has a follow up. (done qcb P.) So does qcf P. (done Qcf P.)

Generally speaking the follow ups have less lag.

You can only chain 3 special moves at most irrc. (hence the qcb P, qcf p, qcb k.)

Jump C is an obscene crossover move. LDM is an insane anti air. His Hcb*2 Punch is a very good reversal move. Qcb K is an overhead.

I like to do the down b, down a, qcb C, qcf B, qcf E combo instead.