B, A must hit as a counter around the final frames of the move (or else you can't recover in time to
B B)
When I have no skillstock/PowerGauge instead of ending the combo with qcfC, ffC, I prefer to continue trying to mix-up moves and getting random hits in...which add up to quite a lot @@
Typical mix-up games which give you frame advantage is closeD (1hit), fwdA then use the block stun to set up another batch of mixups like a hop JumpB cross-up attempt or simply run forward StandD fwdA again
StandD(1hit), fwdB on a crouching opponent will always put Gato on the opposite side with frame advantage.
Once any random hit gets in, end it in a Palm DM which leads to another free mix-up attempt (depending on the distance you run, the roll will end up with you either in front or behind the opponent, the difference where you come out of the roll is only 1 'step' in the run).
Contrary to what most players do...ending a random string of pressure chains with a sweep is the worst option available since it gives the opponent the distance (if blocked) he needs to get out of Gato's attack zone.