Pretty cool vids, and it's nice to see how the game behaves once it's installed.
Fuu wrote:I agree with you on the issue new characters sadly, but what's really bad about Billy animation? I have seen a gif of the infamous stance, and it isn't certainly flashy but it's an alright breathing. Kind of calm for Billy, but I could see it being a stylistic choice.
More than anything, the problem with Billy is that he doesn't "fall into place correctly"; for example as of the arcade the character with "the lowest" level of animation is K' (unless you count tar man). But even then K' doesn't look that odd because all of his animation have some "congruency" so to speak; in other words you can feel that most of his moves all had "the same amount of effort put into them"; K' (and Kula) by themselves doesn't feel too lacking unless you start measuring them frame by frame with the more radically drawn members of the cast.
With Billy however, is a rather different case. Some moves animate quite decently, but other ones look really choppy and quick, thus the more you observe the character in movement the weirdest is the feeling you get. His stiff stance could be better but kinda
adds to the problem in a sense that it's not that it looks bad, but rather it also places some differences to the overall feeling of the character. In the end it kinda feels that some moves from Billy where animated by "team A" who put a lot of job to them, some others by "team B" who didn't really worked that much into him and by "team C" who really wasn't interested in the job at all. He is the only character on the game that feels like that; it's kinda like seeing a late MVS era sprite and measuring animation style and congruency (I'm looking at you, Kim ). He really looks like a character that couldn't be completed on XII, then couldn't be completed in XIII and in the end here he still hasn't been truly completed
Not even XII Mature & Liz felt like that (since they did not added "half completed" animations to them, kinda part of the reason of why they had like 2 moves each)
SonicTempest wrote:None of the videos have me playing since for the most part I was by myself at the booth, and obviously I can't play and record at the same time.
.................... -Wait- I thought that you had cyborg arms??