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Exploding Goldfish (Translation) Thread

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 17:08
by Toxic Avanger
Ash Crimson

Ryo Sakazaki
Robert Garcia
Takuma Sakazaki

Terry Bogard
Andy Bogard
Higashi Joe

Ralf Jones
Clark Still
Leona Heidern

Mai Shiranui
Yuri Sakazaki

Billy Kane

Hwa Jai

Athena Asamiya
Sie Kensou
Chin Gentsai

Kula Diamond

Iori Yagami

Kyo Kusanagi
Benimaru Nikaido
Goro Daimon

Iori with the power of flames

Nests style Kyo

Mr Karate

Elisabeth Blanctorche
Duo Lon
Shen Woo


Saiki (Boss)

Evil Ash


- What's this?

Well, to put it simple I have always been into the info outside the game and stuff like that, so back in the day when I was a little kid and I noticed that the city's public library had some Jp dictionaries, I started looking up stuff. And being into games more than anime and manga I naturally ended up investigating things relevant for SNK games.

For those that do know me are probably aware that I have always made translation efforts here and there, ever since I realized that XIII was going to be the KoF game for a long while I decided to do something in the line of KoF Collection, and thankfully how things are organized in game just makes my day easier and easier when it comes down to it.

- Do you plan on doing everyone?

With so many reserved post and details, what does it looks like? Right now as of me typing this I have like 10 characters virtually complete, and I'm investigating things that I don't know and work is proceeding.

- Can we trust you?

Well..... To be honest, just doubt everything. I'm definitely not a fluent speaker and I'm still studying things. Furthermore I'm self taught (the worst type of learning when it comes to languages). Though I'm pretty confident in most of the translations since short speeches like the ones from fighting games are much simpler than conversational speech, and I have had several sources to back up and compare info.

Of course if you can add or point something, feel free to do so.

- Typos

I do this on my free time, which usually also means the peak of my lack of attention and exhaustion and probably sleep deprivation, thus there are times where I look at the screen but the words aren't entering my head. Plus I have always been typo prone. I do reedit them into what's proper if I notice them later.

- Stuff doesn't display

You need added languages compatibility, what the heck are you expecting from a translation thread?

- How much time do you waste on this?

Well, I have a some sort of high quality standard to myself. Between browsing through the sound test, playing with the character, making things out in my head and checking things that I think sound weird, I can spend between 6 to 10 hours in making "version one" of the translation. After that I spell check and try to check my own notes to see if I can see something different, and I also google and infoseek for japanese info on the speeches.... And then, I play with the character again, as to make sure that all speech is matched properly to the gallery and to what I have written and corrected. That can easily spend +20 hours in a single guy. Seiyuu info and profiles and movelists aren't accounted on this, and those can also burn a ton of time, specially if I get side tracked reading interesting bits on the life of the brother's in law nephew of certain VA or some other related tidbits about food and what not.

However this is "not as bad as it sound", for example most of the playing with the character is done in VS sessions with my pals, so the time I spend playing the game killing people is also used to create this; and some times I hear a lot of things from characters that I don't use since other guys are playing as well. There is also the fact that I have a lot of data on previous games, that makes checking some things up super fast.

- Anything else?

Please don't chit chat in the thread. I don't care for reading a thank you and it makes hard to navigate; remember that there are going to be like 3 posts for each character and with 38 guys counting bosses, if you add posts in between things are going to be too massive. I also want to add an index at the start of every thread page, and if you nail a post 15 of that page you are going to prevent me from doing so.

But of course if you want to tell me that my work sucks, that I'm stupid and it's supposed to be like this, feel free to post as much as you like.

- Slow and stupid

Hey, my "plan" originally had me updating a full team per week hence I was going to take something like 12 weeks on doing everyone and that's kinda quick for my own standard. Unfortunately my Summer has been more busy than what I had expected it to, and not even once I have updated 3 characters in a week, in fact almost never I have done 2 guys in a week; but at the bottom most even if I'm busy as hell I forcefully imposed me the condition of updating at least 1 character a week, so that's that.

- Thoughts?

I'm doing this for myself, but since "it's done"; there is no point to keep it on my HDD rotting away along with some mp3's from 80s song and pictures of 70s anime. Since I'm working out of my own motivation and on my own pace and whatnot, there is "nothing to lose" as the more things I do for myself, the more I win; as I do use these translation to study and learn some more tidbits and other stuff.

Searching for things that I didn't knew, like the life of the seiyuu-s have been fun, so yeah.

Personal word
I need a drink. Also, I believe that personal words and whatnot are mainly useful after you are done with the work, not while you are stuck in the hard part :lol:

Re: Exploding Goldfish (Translation) Thread

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 17:08
by Toxic Avanger
Here I'm going to mention some of the source material that I have used as help for this :

Ru : The "you.lolipop" site is a very in-comprehensive but extensive database that has a bunch of things about SNK games, I have relied on the kindness of this site since long ago; one can find here character profiles, endings, stories, movelist and some incomplete dialog compilation.

Welcome to Yamiseka : Yamiseka has a section know as "The King of Fighters Zone", and that side of the site is extremely detailed and well thought, you can find character backstories, movelist, info about the system and some very comprehensive and complete dialog compilation for some games; it's a great site.

SNK perfect Database : Misc info galore.

Sugarport : Unimpressive at first glance, but has a bunch of info about dialogs, character profiles, game data and some fan art. Heavily focused on NESTS era characters. Alternative address : here

Game Shrine : actually; Game 神殿 . I haven't checked it out yet that deeply, but it has some things that I can use for cross reference when it comes to console exclusive characters.

Playtown : A bunch of misc data for some kof games.

The KoF XIII master guide : Published by Arcadia, as usual these type of guides include a totally mind blowing amount of info, most of the actual speech in game speech for the arcade version is listed here which is a great help for when I can't make out by hear if a character grunts with toa, noa, hoa, fua or uha.

The king of fighters jwiki page : Unlike pretty much every other "wiki" out there, the Japanese wiki is actually respectable due to having large amounts of proper and correct sourced info... No miserably pathetic troll theories, no fan fictions in character pages and it has a bunch of other articles that can't be found in other wikis (such as VA info and weird stuff that I want to read about characters profiles). Examples like here or here , there is also the wikipedia article.

2chan : I have read a bunch of useful info here about KoF and details about the characters, so they deserve mention.

There is also a bunch of other sites that I don't now if are still around; like dark requiem; an excellent database dedicated to characters from the Ash Hen. There it was this shrine for Hinako Shijoh that was amazing and also closed down. Yaotome, the legendary japanese site that I think went under and there it was another shrine site for Shingo Yabuki which was great, and I don't know if it's still around. Unfortunately with my last HDD fry 4 years ago a lot of info and links was lost and I haven't been able to recover it, and probably never will.

Re: Exploding Goldfish (Translation) Thread

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 17:09
by Toxic Avanger
This Post is here for translation info and ETC things that might need explanation in order to get the 200% of something.

* The meaning of OSU
Here we have a Karate club greeting it's Captain with "Osu! Gokuro-Sama desu" or "Osu! Thanks for the hard work!"

Osu or 押忍 .....
In Kyokushin every question is answered with osu. Every greeting is Osu. Every instruction or question in class, is answered by "Osu" instead of "yes" or "I understand". When performing kihon waza (basic techniques) in class, each technique is often accompanied with a loud "Osu". When practicing jiyu kumite (free fighting) in class and your opponent lands a good, hard technique, you say "Osu" to acknowledge your opponent's skill. As a measure of respect, knockdown fighters at a tournament bow and say "Osu" to the front, to the referee and to each other, before and after the fight.

Osu is a combination of the words: Oshi which means "Push", and Shinobu which means "to Endure". It means patience, determination, appreciation, respect and perseverance.

Kyokushin training is very demanding. You push yourself until you think you've reached your limit. First your body wants to stop, but your mind keeps pushing you. Then your mind wants to stop, but your spirit keeps you going. You endure the pain. You persevere. That is Osu.
This is an extract from a Kyokushin Karate page, I strongly advise to read more about it from it's source.

Boy : Ossu--
Boy : You also had to take some supplementary lessons, biri biri?

Similar to some "job" jargon, we have that Osu has eventually taken into a more and informal context, here the unlucky teenager uses Osu to joyfully greet the middle schooler girl. The boy being shabby as it is, has absolutely no connection to martial disciplines and thus isn't the type that greets people with Osu in a "dojo" type of way. This casual "greetings" usage is actually quite widespread and it's meant to simply say "hi" to another person in a casual way.
As a side note, we have that the boy calls the girl "biri biri chuugakusei", this is a very.... specific way of calling her, biri biri is "the sound of sparks", which goes to reference her ability to produce electricity, and chuugakusei is "middle schooler", which points exactly that, that she is a middle schooler. That nick name is not exactly friendly but more like impersonal, since these two pretty much get into super natural scuffle 90% of the time before actually becoming friends.
* "Technique" (Ken)
拳 (Ken), at it's most basic level is simply neant to be the kanji "hand", however since games are usually set in a martial arts context we should take it as it's more unusual reading of "fist". The thing is that the actual kanji is actually quite broad, for example the simplest dictionary definition of it is that it's used to describe games that are played using hands.

"Stances are simply used as defensive measures! my own technique only knows of marching forward!!" , here we have a short extract of how Souther explained us why the Nanto Hou'ou Ken was the supreme technique of the ruler right before handing Kenshiro's ass down to him in one of the most exiting golden epic moments of the series. In the example "Ken" was transcribed technique.
* "Look" (Hora)
Hora or ほら is a pretty common way of catching someone else attention; however since it can be used in many situations it can be translated as different things as characters use it.
For example in the previous pic we have that character A throws a juice can to character B, in that case it could be translated as "there", or "here" or even more interpretations if character B requested the can from character A.

In this example, in the original situation we have that the girl tried her old uniform and asked the main character "hey, how does it look?", being the "hey" the hora.

Y-san : See? It's over here
K-san : Was that her Air Friend's name? And -of course- I see absolutely nothing.

In this example, the girl (Y-san) was explaining things about her imaginary friend "Tomo-chan" to the present wanna be delinquent (K-san), in order to further prove that her "air friend" was real she was pointing out her current position in the classroom, of course being imaginary K-san couldn't see anything. For this example the "see" said by Y-san while pointing out something like "it's here" was the hora
* "Hey!" (Ora!)
In the previous image, we have how Delinquent A tries to punch Look like a delinquent B, and as to give strength to the situation he says "Ora".... Well, "ora" (オラ or おら) does not have an honest per dictionary literal translation in this situation. It's basically a way to... how to say it? getting things into rumble.
For example, let's imagine cowboy A and cowboy B. Cowboy B has a gun and a bad attitude and A has nothing; B ask A to dance and A doesn't react, so B start shooting the floor next to A and screaming "Hyiah! Dance Dance!", that's a very tipical scene. If we were to translate that scene to japanese the best thing that every time that B says Hyiah or whatever he says to incite the situation, we should fit a "Ora" there.

As Jojo, Hnk and many others have shown us, we don't have to restrict ourselves to saying Ora only once.
* " * Scream * !" (Chesuto!)
Many of us have probably seen something where a big meat blow is followed with the scream "chesuto". There is this urban legend that Chesuto comes from Kendoh tradition, in Kendoh matches you are meant to scream the place that you are attacking and thus ABC guy said "oh, since that's that, Chesuto comes from kendoh and it's meant to be the word". Well ABC guy is not a kendoh fan and I am. In Kendoh the legal targets are actually the armor and the things that you are to scream are the pieces of armor that you are attacking, such as men (mask), do (torso) or kote (glove), the armor has no "chesuto" part. And it would be quite difficult for it to have it since the armor was created many hundred of years before Japan even got to hear of Occident, thus english names couldn't be used for it's parts. Furthermore even the chest area is not even a legal strike in a Kendoh match except certain circumstances, but even then you can only strike the heart with a tsuki and "chesuto" isn't used as a scream when that happens.

The thing is that Chesuto can be used for chest, the pic shows the drama series "Chesuto" which is about the Chest swimming style. However as it has happened a lot with waseieigo is that the words aren't always applied or used how they are meant to, thus we have that eventually and for I don't know what reasons, the kiai "chesuto" was born and popularly adapted into fictional and real martial arts culture. It should be noted that not always, in fact almost never the kiai chesuto "aims" towards the chest; however we have that kiais are like that, sometimes the screams do match existent words, however they are never are to be taken into context since it's only something that the fighter likes to scream. Let's take the occidental example of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, they usually use cowabunga to get things on groove or to celebrate some actions and initially the word was just meant as a something to communicate with the crowd of sorts; if we take the actual context and etymology of the word into the circumstance that it's being used (to celebrate) we have that it doesn't always makes sense. Thus linguistic teaches that we have to be flexible, and accept the word for what it is in that context: something that sounds cool when you are doing something cool. No more, no less.

Here we have Zengar Zombolt screaming chesuto; and the target of the zankatou slice was definitely not the chest.
* " * ---っ * !" (voice got cut off)
っ and ッ have frequently shown up in the translations, right? They are actually "the same" written in different fronts, they are the small "tsu"; in japanese most small particles aren't "read" but rather indicate a tone that the big letters are to follow, in this case this is a "particle" that means that you need to "prolong" the pronunciation of the next character, for example かて is romanized as "kate" and かって is "katte", the small tsu isn't pronounced as "tsu" but rather affects the following vocals. The thing is that when used on it's own, it means that the voice suddenly dropped off after something was spoken, let's go with some examples:

Here we have Niku-san (blonde) and Kitsune-san (hime hair) ingesting their failed attempt at Yakiniku, the taste is so atrocious that they scream in pain with "ha", and "ho" to prepare themselves for act of challenging themselves to eat, to later give an atrocious scream when subjected to the flavor.

Here we have that - at another time- Kitsune-san was "caught by surprise", and when was asked a question that she was not prepared to, she responded angrily with a rude "Haaっ!?". BTW I do that a lot, also in a rowdy punkster type of tone.

Here we have Niku-san, who at one opportunity bumped her knee with a table as she was jumping in order to catch her own psp that was thrown by Kitsune-san. The impact that Niku-san was a victim of was so strong and she felt such pain that she couldn't even muster enough strength to squeal in pain, and her voice was simply cut off, hence the tsu that shows that.

In KoF and fighting games term, we have that the small tsu-s are usually used to emphasize the quick raise of the voice, thus is an important part of the kiai-s that I didn't want to left out.
* "This!" (Kono)
Kono or usually referred by kana [ この ] , is pretty hard to explain because it's too broad in usage and can vary depending on the situation; basically it means that the speaker is indicating something ("this" is it , point out the location of an object) even exposing an idea (it's like "this"); let's go for some example as we might need many of those.

Kid : And at this time.

I know that I used "this", but the sequence exposed is a memory, thus I could have made it sound in past sense. The speaker (the kid) is trying to put an emphasis on the "that time" since the black butterfly is very important on his own context, and at that time one showed up. Next.

Biribiri : Does this weird thing even half of look like my boyfriend!!??

The twintail girls found that shabby and unlucky highschool boy and her one-sama having some "pleasant" conversation over a park in what she could describe as a 'secret meeting'... While questioned about it the lighting producing middle schooler had a strong adverse reaction and released an attack in one of her many outbursts of anger, "kono hen tako ga" should like, literally go for by "that / this weird octopus", but since octopus is not as common of an insult in engrish as it is in nihongo, I phrased it differently.

Yuriko : Well, you certainly have done your best in a sense; able to stand in front of this Accelerator and still be able to breathe.

Here the speaker, Accelerator; adds to himself an air of importance and thus uses "kono Accelerator" to address himself while he jokingly notes that his opponent (the unlucky boy from before) escaped from one of his attacks.... There are even other guys that use even more self deluded lines such as "kono ore-sama" to describe themselves, since things like that are not common on english, they are a pain in the ass to translate. I usually go for something like "the great XX" and stuff like that.

Boy : "So this is the end, ha ha ha"
Girl : "Kuh... Why--- You!!!!!!!"

What was happening here is that the girl tried to pick a fight with our unlucky boy previously referred as "kono hen tako ga"; the girl being acknowledged as stronger should have had an easy time beating him up, however the boy literally danced around all of her attacks and pretty much defeated everything that she could do without even throwing a punch; at this point he points out that something like "so, that's it for today", and the girl leaches out all of her frustration for how their "fight" went out by releasing a strong kono along with her strongest attack. Here "kono" is used by the speaker to express exasperation or something in those lines, and more than simply just expressing it by words, it's usually coupled with "doing something about it" such as attacking the object that produced that "complain alike" kono.

The last one and the most complicated example is the one that most fighting games use. The first 3 cases of "kono" that I added are pretty simple and might even not need an explanation; but this one that is associated to actions and an overflow of feelings, hence can always be interpreted differently depending on who says it and on which circumstance.... So, to me is a pain in the ass whenever someone, in the middle of chapter x of something asks me "why someone said kono there" and I have to activate explain mode, which produces texts for about 4 times bigger than this one.

As a trivia, I'll tell you that the images that I wanted to use for kono where mostly some wonderful moments of Dio Brando being cut in half (because he gets cut in half way more than once, it's not like that can stop him); but unfortunately I could not find raws for the early Jojo-s in my HDD nor on some quick online searches; there are some for the new series, but "Steel Run" Dio never did it for me.
* "I see it!" (Mikitta!)
Mieru [ 見える ] (to be in sight) and Mikiru [ 見切る ] (to see completely) are pretty common in fighting game situations and in martial arts movies and stuff, simple because being able to see and ergo understand what your opponent is doing is a great advantage. Think of it as an "argument", if you and another guy are in a heated argument and one knows about the subject and the other doesn't, then it's pretty obvious who is "going to win" as one party can't formulate that many points of discussion nor can retort to them as completely as the other.

Kenshiro : Shin, I can already see through your every move. This is simply your defeat.

Pretty much the example pointed out in the first paragraph, Kenshiro is well known for being able to see through the enemy moves and after that he renders them completely useless by exploiting their weakness; Shin is visually not very happy due to that affirmation, but happy or not we all know what he has coming after such lines.

Kuga : ...... Extraordinary.... He really did see through me.

Here Minei or "see through" is used, what happened is that the girl tried to do something.... let's call it a "harmless prank", but before she could undo what she did a big commotion was created and people where pointing fingers and looking for the guilty; after having such a "harmless prank" turned into a large issue that affected many people; the shy Kuga couldn't possibly step forward and apologize for what she did. The main character, however understood what was going on and deducted the situation completely after a quick evaluation, as someone pointed that fact to Kuga privately she notes how the lead could see the whole scenario without being there and even without knowing everything; being the only one in the school who realized what actually happened.

Touma : lea-.....
Accelerator : Do you even have the leisure of looking around, Oi!

Here we have a classic "where are you looking at", used by the speaker when someone loses track of them (aka, they dodged or moved too fast).

All in all, this "looking" thing applies very easily and directly to games, however since there are some very little tidbits here and there I choose to mention it up anyway; while the "looking" usage is similar in both the translation and the original, the ways of saying "looking" in japanese are a little bit more specific and detailed, so the confusing part can come from the source of the translation and not the translated line.
* "Secret Technique!" (Ougi!)
Ougi or 奥義 can mean in some very odd cases "esoteric" or "hidden purpose", but for all uses and purposes in games it should simply boil down to "secret technique", it's a very cheesy name for a technique, meant to empathise it's grandness and give a bigger impact, I remember that I used to have a fad in real life where we joked around with "don't call something ougi, just because you want to call it ougi", meaning that not everything deserves the name of ultimate - desperation - for the win - secret technique. Or something.

Kanji : OUGI : Takao-Zan
Delinquent : WHAT THE------!?

What happened here is that the girl was stretching herself to take down a large sign, and that sign was placed on top of a door, stretching herself to reach something that was above her had the natural consequence that her body figure was completely and clearly visible from beneath, the guy -of course- happened to open the door from the other side at that point, being the shy girl she is, she had to do something to prevent him from (unwillingly) ogling her, thus before she even realized, she knocked him out. The guy is obviously surprised that he was attacked suddenly since he was simply walking around, and -but of course- he got to see everything. Either way, Takao zan [ 高尾斬 ] would be like "Takao Slash", Takao being the girl's family name.

Narration : "Ougi : Takao-zan what it's all about?!"
Narration : A legendary technique passed down through the Noble Takao family, Rising from above the chest and diving below, the motion greatly increases the strength of the arm speed producing a fast movement that is sure to defeat the enemy.
Narration : However, this technique can only belong to those of big breast. Even when the most prominent male Takao family head tried to acquire it, with small breast is simply not possible.
Narration : It's a dream technique
Fist clinching Guy : If only I also had big breasts
Slapping Old man : Like if you could acquire the ougi with that Small chest!!!
Girl : I'm sorry, Great Father--
Bald : I want boobs... The most voluptuous ones....
Black haired girl : So.... It feels like it's like that. Damn you, accursed Takao Family!!
Takao : Don't go around making up things as you please----!!! And just forget about it!!

So, right after witnessing the 'Takao Zan', the black haired girl created an elaborated story of a succession technique and an epic long standing tradition powerful clan and martial arts training; which is -of course- nothing but a fabrication. But the point is that "it's usually like that", Ougi-s tend to have elaborated stories and settings and stuff that makes them more meaningful and eventful than simple techniques, one has to dig the dramatism to truly see their charm. Oh- and the reason of why the girl curses the Takao family, is because that from the whole girls of the cast, Takao is the only one who has a decently large chest, which is usually played out with comical envy.

First : Ougi : Shounyuuseki Kudaki
Delinquent : A new Ougi!??
Second : Ougi : Suisen no Mai
Delinquent : It's cold!!
Third : Ougi : Dengeki Network
Delinquent : Here comes!!

As usual with these things, eventually the guy managed to say something that pisses off the whole room (he tried to keep a secret), and since the ougi-s where in vougue everyone unleashed some secret technique on him. Shounyuuseki kudaki [ 鍾乳石砕き ] goes for "Stalactite Smasher", Suisen no Mai [ 水仙の舞 ] goes for "Dance of the Narcissus" (Narcissus is a Chinese plant which can be found also in Japan), finally we have Dengeki Network [ 電撃ネットワーク ] , which goes for "Electric Attack Network". The point about it is that ougi-s are usually cleverly named and designed, for example the "suisen" can be taken separately as two individual kanji-s rather than a single word of two kanji-s, as Sui Sen it should be interpreted as something like "Wizard's water", considering that the character that used the ougi is completely obsessed with water, that meaning could very well apply. Now, I haven't looked it up, but there is a chance that if I investigate on the characteristics of the Narcissus or it's meaning, I could also be related to water and stuff, thus it's not really "right" to rule out several interpretations on the name. The Dengeki Network name doesn't make that much sense, but that's probably because the girl wasn't trying to make sense, she is always searching for an excuse to use the stun gun on someone, and her excuses aren't usually that good.

Takao : For real, you little has always-always been... Do you really want to receive my ougi that much!? <- [ It was approved as an ougi ]
Blonde : You aren't getting it, ne. I still haven't shown my ougi yet.
Delinquent : Why are you always so stubborn about these things!?
Blonde : Waiting for the opponent's move before pulling out your ougi for the victory, everyone in the world know that it's always like this!!
Takao : Don't go around thinking that my ougi is as simple as that!!
Blode : However, I happen to have many ougi-s in store, sealed hidden external parts and 2 trasformations left in reserve....
Delinquent : Just like junior high kids....
Thoughts : A, but what they are doing right now it's even already something beneath junior high kids level play!!

It doesn't matter how it sound to us, ougi-s are for real, remember that since techniques are fictional, the authors usually go out of their way to given super strange and cool sounding names that sometimes have several interpretations, heck; even real names of techniques can be hard to get and semi philosophical, fictional ones usually try to takes things at least step beyond, unless it's some poor, un-witty author like the ones from actual regular popular media :lol: .

* "Naive!" (Amai!)
Amai or 甘い is a common use term which has an incredibly broad use and interpretation, perhaps the most complex term that I have touched within all of these picture ~ explain ~ madness ~ things of mine. By definition amai would be usually "sweet" whereas it is as flavor or as a smell, that is, "usually" outside fighting games, in the context of a people punching people we should stick to basic definitions such as...

Glasses : If solving your assignment would somehow make it so that a girl from the sky would suddenly fall in my veranda, then I wouldn't mind helping you some, nya---
Unlucky Boy : ?
Unlucky Boy : and what? What's with that suddenly falling down!?
Unlucky Boy : Do you guys have some sort of fetish for the girl members of the air bone corps division or something!?
Blue hair : Fetish....?
Blue hair : How could you possibly say something so naive, Kami-yan?

Here the baka trio was dealing with 2 problems, the unimportant one was having the unlucky Kami-yan there one day before the start of the semester and he had completed absolutely nothing of his summer school work, but of course whatever happens to his grades, we won't care. The important problem was that the trio was speaking of their favorite type of girl, due to an internal pun the concept of falling girl landing in your apartment came up (an actual recurrent theme for the series), due to the small fixation on the topic Kami-yan was naive (amai) to assume that their fetish was solely restricted to flying girls. How horribly wrong he was was something truly to behold. Before you ask, of course that I have have a thing for female members of the air bone corps division, har har.

Boy : From the start his sole redeeming feature was learning through repetitive practice.
Boy : Perhaps thanks to that that ability he could manifest itself in a great talent within the tennis world?
Boy : Nah- it can't be that simple
Girl : Yes, that could actually be quite possible!!

Here the conversation was about a guy who methodically and thoroughly studies pretty much every subject that he has to, since his interest switches to tennis the boy who was looking him play wondered if his methods could actually wield results in the sports world. The girl, who is actually an accomplished player in-universe assures that the hardworking guy that they are speaking about can use that "talent of hardworking" to actually overcome his.... well, complete lack of any innate sports talent. For this case, the amai was "that simple" , this usage is not exactly unusual in games, thus we get to see many translation that transcribe amai as "too easy".

Referee : 15 - 0
Boy : U-
Boy : Forcibly pushing myself forward won't do.
Boy : However a soft ball will surely not be forgiven.
Boy : Miyagawa-kun's serve games don't really have any openings.
Boy : If that's the case, then what to do!?

Here is the actual boy who was being talked about in the previous example, the game is in a late stage with tied score, with him losing and edge due to inexperience. Here he is mentally revising the actual condition, attacking forcibly wasn't cutting, and throwing soft or halfhearted shoots would surely meet ill fate. The "soft" here comes from the amai, basically he was comparing tactics, for one side he was using "forcing hard balls", and on the other side he considering varying his strategy using "softer , low speed balls", in his own review both examples became ineffective due to the difference of their careers, he can only come up with simple patterns and plans, and the opponent can easily read those and crush them since they aren't that threatening from a veteran's perspective.

Title : Sweet things only for the young maiden.

Here we have amai used to describe the flavor of a cake, quite simple actually. This type of use usually shows up in profiles or endings and stuff.

.... So, here we "have it", amai is in itself a shape shifting beast that can have completely different shapes every time it feels like showing up :lol: one of the words for which knowing context and having a little bit of cleverness language wise becomes important. Well, it's not that big of a deal since for translations someone is explaining things to you, but if I have problems phrasing something about this, you obviously know why that's so.

* "Whoa" (Otto)
Otto or おっと is a typical term, pretty common at any language level. It's dictionary translation is [ uh-oh; oops; sorry ] , but those usages hardly explain the intricate universe that this expression manages grasps by it's mere existence. The "otto" family, think of it as like, "the sound of making something", but rather than a sounds, it's something that's usually said out loud. And I said "family" mainly because there are a bizillion of words that have similar usages and connotations and are also widely used by different type of characters. Otto by itself could be a rich subject to a language evolution and expansion thesis.


Here we have the spiky haired guy was sitting around lazing like usual, and one of the guys that was actually on court missed a shot and accidentally aimed at him, as the shot was going to land in his face he stopped the ball with his racket, and before the ball landed he moved the racket along; to an horizontal position -so that the ball wouldn't drop to the floor- . Here the otto was "sound of evading a direct hit", this usage happens a lot in games, in this usage the usual translation is "opps" or something on those lines.


Here we have that the coated guy was getting ready to fight, and thus created a fire sword for that purpose. The character who is going to be on the receiving end of the attack "expressed" the change in the situation (enemy appears!) with an otto, in this case otto was like "whoa", a sound of semi amazement at something happening, however this guy is pretty overconfident so instead of being bedazzled by the move, his otto has a sarcastic tone (basically, it implied that the guy picking a fight with him was in trouble). In these sort of cases the otto is translated as a sort of amazement grunt (as stated) or a "wait" or something in those lines.

Guy : Yuuko-san?
Yuuko : Oppsie

Here we have that the girl -Yuuko- was sitting in a window waiting for prince charming to drop by. Once the guy finally came and took notice of her, Yuuko decided to jump down from the window, and thus goes "yotto". In this case the yotto would be the sound of "making an effort", as she is jumping from the second floor towards the first, landing square into her love interest; thus the sound of "taking an impulse" was phrased 'yotto'.

Oppsie daisy

Here we have again Yuuko, but this time she was moving around a box with stuff from one room to another one. As part of her joyful mood she was letting out some cutesy yoishotto, which are usually translated by dictionaries as "Yo-heave-ho!", which are also expressions of effort or strain, which would go in accord to her traveling with heavy box from one location to another.

Now, that's the gist of it. But cases like these are pretty broad and happen a lot in SNK games, in fact within KoF we have that some characters almost exclusively "speak" solely using expressions like otto or yotto and the like, and the subtleties around them are a huge pain to deliver, thus woe is me.

* "Tche" (Chi)
Japanese, specially fighting games, have a large diversity of grunts and "noise" that have different connotations; and pretty much just like dialogs and speech patterns having certain types of grunts do represent certain personality types and characteristics (like rudeness, short temper and other things).

Girl : ....... E? .....
Guy : -- Tche-

Chi is usually very close to "tche" and thus pretty much can be used in the same way; to express annoyance; what happened here is that the girl had to consult the guy about something and "someone" thought that it seemed something else and thus tried to attack them (him) by dropping a pot, the guy express his annoyance (mainly because she was the one actually in danger instead of him) with a good old ち. It's funny how things like these are virtually universal, for example in my zone "Chi" is used in the same way and we certainly don't have any japanese influence in our language (and probably Japan neither, unless Vasco da Gama cursed everyone in his travels and his influence rapidly spread all over Asia or something).

Boy : Gu-

Here the tennis player express how he couldn't reach a ball even though he really tried to, these kind of grunts that represent "action" and "reaction" towards that very same action (or rather, a context) are super common in fighting games and a freaking pain to explain.

Female : Niiya Teiichi!
Male : Ku-

Pretty similar to the previous case, in this case the girl is calling the boy so that he runs away, as he should have been running away but he stopped right in his track, for his part the male was unsure if running away that someone, or rather that something was the best choice and thus expressed his powerlessness and un-ability to solve the situation before him with a grunt.... Or maybe I'm reading too much into it?

Woman : Aan?

The good old punk style one liner that can always be used to pick up a fight (I use it all the time, harhar); some people go out of their way and translate these delinquent jargon as "you got a problem" or "what are you looking at" or stuff like that.

Boy : But aren't you angry?
Boy : As it is my fault that you actually caught a cold...
Girl : He... Fue?

So, here the guy was actually apologizing to the girl, however since the girl thought that such thing wasn't in order the conversation caught her by surprise and expressed that with some cutesy sounds, just another pointer that with a single "no meaning" line characters can convey their reaction quite clearly.

... And so, there we have it; the example provided are actually quite straight forward so talking about it is easy, however usually one can read a little bit too far into each and every grunt and noise that oh so much happen to appear given a situation.

* "Heart" (Kokoro)
Kokoro or 心 is used pretty laxely in japanese and thus it has a slightly different meaning in English. In English we mostly use heart to refer to the organ or in some cases, preference on something; but in Japanese the heart is more linked to "the essence" of a person; for example a basic phrase like "I have my mind set on this" would use in japanese the word "heart" rather than "mind", there are also some lines where we might use "soul" but in japanese heart is used.

One Eyed : Bera-sama has! If only her heart haden't been attracted to the likes of you.
One Eyed : Something like this wouldn't have needed to happen!

Here we have that our yandere Zabine-kun is blaming Kinkiad of "tempting" Bera and making her forget her objectives and ultimately changing her way life. In this example we have that heart reflects princples and ideals.

Biribiri : There it has always there, somewhere in my heart, a brake that stopped me.
Biribiri : Something that wouldn't let me go all out, an attack that contained all of my electricty.
Unlucky : Thunder.... clouds?

Here we have that the unlucky boy was bluffing his way to victory (like usual) and keep teasing the girl that she wasn't going to be able to take him down regardless on what she tried. And (like usual) that bluff was totally counter productive and it actually reeled her up. At this point she looks back, and realizes that she pretty much never truly "goes out"; after all, if she was to use all of her power on someone, she can turn a regular human into a burnt stain----- and, being one of the nicest person in the city she totally isn't the type to do that..... thus she realizes that her heart; or rather, her personality was holding her back of truly attacking with all of her power. But the boy is different, after all, he has shown that he can take everything that she can dish and be okay, for that reason she decides to lift that subconsciously imposed restriction and attack with everything. Of course she didn't beat him :lol:

Do-M : For the sake of that insipid fellow, to have such worries.
Woman : Touka is my friend!
Woman : Lying to one of your friends, of course something like that will bring pain to your heart!

Here we have a more casual example, where the good old conscience tells you that something is bad, and thus it will have an effect on your heart. Oh, and if you are reading this you are probably are also expecting "them" to become way more than friends.

Nakid guy : Good morning Souma-kun! Yoshino-kun!
Nakid guy : Doing manual labor in the morning sure makes your heart healthy.

You sure have heard misleading stuff like that at least once in your life, right? :lol: Here basically heart can be interpreted as mood, but more properly this is usually stands for "cleansing the soul" or something like that.

Well, there we have it. For KoF we have that the heart is more associated with "intentions", "fighting spirit" or "duty", so rather than thinking that it sounds weird, we might as well accept that there is a deeper message involved in there.

Re: Exploding Goldfish (Translation) Thread

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 17:10
by Toxic Avanger
I hope that I don't need to remind you that manga is read from right to left. Some of the examples here are not single pictures but rather image sequences, remember to see the images as in manga since that's where they are from.

* - Kiai - *
The blue player gives a scream, while the white one gets scared by it.

Kiai-s [ 気合 ] are screams that are meant to help the concentration of "user"; they are also used to bring out more strength when doing something.

These are quite frequent in real life and are not restrictive to martial arts; for example there are times when I am looking at a tennis match with US players, and there are players that when things get too tough they start screaming with each swing in order to get out more strength, to motivate themselves or something.

I do think that kiai-s are important , because when creating a character the staff even goes to the point of argue "how the character should scream", thus having distinctive or common kiai-s tells for about as much personality as having distinctive lines or a distinctive laugh, thus that's the reason of why I choose to even add kiai-s to this project and why it's for about 80 times more work than what I had originally anticipated.

Here we have the legendary vampiric Kiai from a legendary long running saga, this is here an example and to remind you about something I mentioned before, and that 's that kiai-s aren't meant to have a meaning, they are just sounds.
* - Osananajimi - *
"I am Harusaki Chiwa. E-kun's Childhood friend"
"..... Being a Childhood friend, you think you are just going to be forgiven for intruding and spoiling our blissful after school date?"

Childhood Friend or [ 幼馴染 ] ; more commonly seen in kana as [ おさななじみ ] ; we have that in fictional media the "childhood friend" character is virtually a must in works that involve romance. As far as I know in west the concept holds no special meaning nor a connotation, in fact I didn't even heard of the phrase "childhood friend" before I started my self study in japanese :lol: ; by definition is the usual "closer than a friend , less than a lover" type; the usual thing is that sometimes they childhood friends see themselves as close as family, and thus the thought of pursing romance is for about as stupid as trying to oggle your mother or sister; of course there are cases where they see eachother as members of the opposite sex, and thus the close relationship is so strong that they are usually and surely shipped up together for good.

The thing is that, in most fictional media one of the childhood friends for the sake of drama, comedy or plot proposal, one of them the other as a suitor for love, while the other sees themselves as family, ruling out any type of romantic approach; and the goal of the series is to change that, or keep that and introducing someone new or something.

Well, the thing is that Mai and Andy are childhood friends, and they have danced around the concept for about as long as the Fatal Fury continuity has lasted; thus from western perspective is atrocious to even think that a guy will reject a hot woman that's chasing him around so that they can have a sweet time, from Asian perspective there is "the danger" that Andy sees Mai as family and thus they won't get anywhere. Of course while the thrill could have kinda worked at first, after almost 20 years of playing pink panther it's getting kinda ridiculous; but that's how it is.

I remember that when I read that Andy and Mai where childhood friends I suddenly told myself "ahh, so that's why".
* - Yobisute - *
Yobitsute [ 呼び捨て ] means "Addressing someone without a -san or other honorific title", in japanese culture having the proper conduct when speaking is something that is highly endorsed to everyone from early age, and part of that conduct is addressing people's name in a respectful manner; in fact rules are usually so strict that you aren't supposed to call people by their names because it "sound too personal" but rather to common acquaintances you need to call them by their last names and adding an honorific as to not sound disrespectful; "inversedly" calling people by their names and without honorifics is a proof of intimacy, for example a mother would call her son by her name while they are in home, but if that same mother and son actually have a teacher and student relationship on school then the mother is likely to use his last name + honorific to call him out while in class and school, since the relationship that a teacher and a student have isn't supposed to be one of close intimacy even with the exception of being mother and son; that's due to work ethics and a bunch of other stuff.

Let's watch a image heavy long graphical example by following one of the usual spats between the good old "Kitsune" (referred as "Y-san" in the translation) and "Niku" (referred as "S-san" in the translation); there is also wanna be delinquent referred as "K-san", but he is not relevant anyway.... Rather than a correlative order, I choose the pages that illustrate the point of "yobisute" the most.

Y-san : And your name?
K-san : Hasegawa Kodaka
Y-san : Kodaka, hm....
Y-san : You have absolutely no grounds to talk to me about friends, Kodaka
K-san : ( That was [Yobisube] )
Y-san : ?
Y-san : What is it?
K-san : It's nothing, don't worry about it.

The image depict the first direct conversation between K-san & Y-san, even though they have been in the same class for a while they haven't actually ever speak to each other and in this first meeting the topic that neither of them 'has any friends' popped up (thus, the reason why Y-san says "You have absolutely no grounds to talk to me about friends, Kodaka" , since he was pointing out that she wasn't being friendly with anyone, Y-san retorted that his case was the same).
Yobisute is not a normal attitude for someone who you speak with for the first time, thus why K-san was surprised by being called "Kodaka" (his first name) and starts getting embarrassed in the next panel, in fact the text over his head reads something like "he is happy about being called by his name so casually". Next example is "the other way around".

This conversation takes place the next day, and Y-san has been calling K-san Kodaka for a while, but he hasn't "done the same" (gone yobisute) due to them not being too intimate with each other.

Y-san : ..... There is something that has been pestering me for a while.
Y-san : That "you and you" that you have been going around, drop that, it's getting annoying
K-san : Ee? aa.... I get it....
K-san : Well.... eeerr.... er....
K-san : Mikazuki-sa-----
Y-san : Yozora

Y-san : Just use [Yobisute] and use Yozora
K-san : ..... I- I get it
K-san : ..... Yo- ..... Yozora......
Y-san : Why do you go blushing like that? That's simply repulsive
K-san : Don't you have some sort of nick name? or something to call you by instead....

In these two pages, after been acquaintanced for a while, K-san has been calling Y-san "omae" (you), not only respecting the "not to yobisute" rule, but also kinda embarrassed that he is speaking with a girl as he has little experience with people; at the point that the pages show Y-san has gotten annoyed of being called "you you" up and down by Kodaka and got irritated by his shy attitude, thus she pushed him to use yobisute on herself; not understanding that he has reasons to be embarrassed about since she is a KY (someone who doesn't care about reading the atmosphere). There are reasons of why Y-san pushed K-san into yobisute, but you'll have to read a lot of chapters of this to find out (and no, it's not that she liked him from second one or something like that).

S-san : Well, with this well leave it for today
S-san : Also, that Yankee over here, just go ahead and call me Sena
K-san : And why should I?
S-san : If you go around calling that Kitsune by her name, but address me by my last name; wouldn't that give the impression that you are putting her in higher value than me?
K-san : ....... I understand .............. Sena

In the current scene S-san intruded in the situation, even though it was the first time that Y-san spoke with S-san things clicked the wrong way right away and they got into an argument and worse than that from second 1. As someone who refuses to lose, S-san pushed K-san to use yobisute on her, else it gives the impression that Y-san has a superior status as "a friend" in K-san's view. Normally that's not something you get mad about, and having a "superior status" is usually given by using important honorifics, but being someone that hates to lose, S-san saw things the other way around since K-san was definitely not going to use high praise honorifics than her, thus it was giving the impression that he was being distant to her and a close friend with Y-san. Something similar even happened in KoF, with Kim having his "Kim team", and Jhun not being able to stand him getting that recognition and eventually made a "Jhun team" for 2002UM, the team example is not yobisute, but rather an example of "hates to lose" even when it is about small things.

BTW, K-san is called Yankee, the usual word for "delinquent" in japanese since he is blonde, and people assume that he has dyed his hair to be a delinquent, rather than being someone who has japanese features yet was naturally born blond (which is the case).

Now, as for KoF, there are characters that follow a respectful speech structure such as Athena and pretty much call everyone with honorifics, even Kensou who she has a close and long relationship with; other characters that are closer to each other simply go yobisute and address themselves by their names (such as the previously explained childhood friend case of Mai and Andy).

There is also the "other side of the coin", where someone goes yobisute for the sake of lacking respect towards the target; for example since honorifics are "that", a way of bestowing and showing respect between users, when there is hate and no need for respect, yobisute is used or rather "lack of honorifics". Kyo and Iori go yobisute with each other and they don't do it out of love; there is also the K9999 and Kanedanagi intro from 2002, which played the yobisute card straight with K9999 using youbisute out of lack of respect, and Kanedanagi demanding respect from the brat, which of course comes as a carbon copy from a mythical legendary scene in Akira.
* - Keigo - *
Keigo or 敬語 , literally means "formal speech" and is strongly imbued into the japanese culture and pretty much determinates how one should construct sentences. If I had to explain keigo simply, it basically is something that "explains" through word selection the relationship between the one who talks and the one who is being talked to; basically it kinda likes a gives a context, showing characteristics such as how polite you are or you have to be towards the other listener, how personal or close you are to the listener; or in some cases you can simply choose to sound grandiose, as if you are selling a product. The truth is that not even I can get all of ups and downs of keigo.

Let's see it with some simple examples :
Kitsune : It's 3
Niku : It's 3

Here we have that Kitsune-san and Niku-san agree on something for once, and thus decide to go for "option 3"; however since the form of keigo that they normally use is sightly different even thought they wanted to convey the same, at the same time and with the same feeling; the world selection varied slightly as in "San da" for Kitsune-san and "San ne" for Niku-san.

This characteristic of "choosing words" differently carry out on how you phrase verbs, substantives, which words one uses to describe things and a bunch of other things. Usually keigo is even a good hint on if the conversation held is between family relatives or even between a male and a female (not 100% truthful, but usually authors and writers don't try to trick the reader by using keigo in that regard)

Welcome home, master.

I can't stand maids, har har har. Anyway, here we have that the maid is from a maid cafe, and in this case and mostly "usually" maid cafes give the impressions that, well; one comes and has to be served by a maid; this why the maid choose to use "welcome home" and not a more business a kin phrase towards a client. Now to enjoy the moemoe kyun flavored tea and the tsundere class representative hand made lemon pie that we ordered for "just" 3000 yen

Maid : Aah? Wasn't it simply due to such administrative management? Don't put weird accusations on others
Girl : Something like that isn't possible. Besides who else other than you would benefit from having Koyuki clothes stolen?

The topic in the picture was that a girl - Koyuki - clothes where "lost" and the japanese style clothing girl came to the maid cafe to accuse them of hampering them, their next door "main competitors". The guy that's being held by the neck is the one who got greeted on the previous image, and he even further notices in the form of that image how the maid changed her kind and obsequious "towards costumers" attitude for a rude tone after being accused of robbery. That kinda goes with the theme, as the keigo that you can use towards someone who is your boss or your client is fairly different compared to the keigo that you can use against someone who you don't get along with and starts accusing you of theft.

K : It's not "Finish that up", please try to do something about the way you address others.
K : You are a girl, after all.

Here we have have that the woman uses a rough manner of speech, to the point of saying "shimatsu shiro" , in the context it's something like "get rid of that crap". The megane guy tells her that she should do "something about it" in the sense that a girl should express herself more softly; not only the word selection was rude-- the way she was giving the order was too demanding, even though she was actually asking him to eat something, so that's that. Cue to Kalafina's Oblivious song (which I like a lot).

How does this affect KoF? .... Well, it's hard to explain it quickly, but just keep in mind that some characters can say the same thing that the others, but they sound vastly different on the word selection simply because of who they are. one of the most carefully crafted things about SNK games are the "persona" behind the character that is punching others, and thus the keigo and profile data and stuff like that are very carefully crafted by SNK; while what the characters says might be too typical and plain, it's how they said it what's hold a value.

I shouldn't even need to tell you this, but usually slight keigo differences and accents and stuff like that it's hard as hell to translate, and usually isn't evident from looking at anything but the original version, so it fits as one of the things that you should know that "it's there" even though you can't see it.

BTW keigo is one of the main reasons of why people who think that they are learning japanese by watching TV end up being in a wrong path, after all what one does there is memorizing words from different characters, but giving that combining the speech patterns of many guys makes absolutely no sense we have that it ends up in a linguistic problem. In fact just by seeing TV one doesn't even realizes that there is keigo. The world of keigo in itself can be pretty deep and even I have troubles with most of the stuff, to the point that it's one of the main reasons of why I don't consider myself good at japanese (well, that and the huge chunk of words that I should know, and I don't). Socially speaking, mish-mashing different types of keigo when you shouldn't can be seen as the social equivalent as undressing yourself completely while on the street and start running at full speed towards a girl's college, screaming in your loudest voice "I'm the king of the word" until the police catches you (aka, social suicide). I learned that the hard way. Hahahahaha...

Girl : Ain't got anything with that
Girl : ......?
Guy : You.... Are you screwing around?
Girl : No....

This is a "graphical" example of expressing themselves strangely, the girl is basically a guest that has to stay in that captain's ship and thus she owes the ship gratitude. After getting the details of her stay and what she is supposed to do was to answer politely with hints of gratitude to the high range officer who welcomes her, however she blurted out a semi incongruent semi informal line, which the Captain obviously took as something offensive. Now, what we don't know and that we will know later, is that the girl developed a defect that prevents her from speaking normally, specially when it comes to Keigo (the way she creates sentences is rather weird), actually that's the first time she became aware of such defect.
* - Waseieigo - *
Waseieigo [ 和製英語 ] is a term used for japanese words that are created from one or more english words. Well, in fact what I want to speak more is about English word used in japanese conversation (which, I think, is described as [ 英語の単語の使用 ] or "usage of English language").
Waseieigo actually doesn't pop up that much in KoF, as most character don't use complicated lines; a perfect example of waseieigo is 'the word' "One Pattern" or "onepattern" [ ワンパターン ] , which actually isn't a good English expression per se, but works wonder in japanese describing something repetitive of a single behavioral pattern.

Both : Club? / Kurabu?

While waseieigo isn't a prominent thing in our KoF day to day, we have that "simple usage of english terms" is actually quite frequent to the point that I felt necessary to mention it. The japanese have been not that subtle to acquire foreign words into their language and many times the word is simply imported as it is, because there is no need to create another word when there is already an existent word that perfectly defines something. In some other cases using a foreign word can be considered "clearer" to use than the actual japanese word; this is where the example of the picture "enters in the picture"; as in that scene rather than use the japanese word school club "bu" [ 部 ] , they used the english one. Also as this example, using a foreign word can add that little extra bit of an intelligent tone or charisma to the point that a character is making, capiche?

Girl : Exactly (Sonotoori de gozaimasu)

In the previous example the word was used in hiragana, however in this example the word is actually used on english alphabet, however this is not "left at is it", the word actually got a furigana version that hints on how the world should actually be pronounced and also got a parenthesis note, that points out it's actual meaning in japanese (which happens to be an actual sentence rather than a simple word translation). I'm actually mentioning this because I have the habit of doing "something like that" a lot, pointing out first the expression as it is in the translation and then it's actual original writing in between [ ] , or " " , or something. As a side note, the "exactly" is actually a reference to Terence T. Darby from Jojo Who said the same exact line. Do not confuse Terence with his brother Daniel, who was lucky enough to get animated.

Girl : I'm thinking of erotics things with you.
Boy : !?
Girl : I am thinking of erotics things about you♥
Boy : Ok, I get it; but you are only making the situation worse than it is!!

Remember that once the words "becomes" japanese is actually subjected to their sentence structure rules rather than ours; here we have that the word "ero" or エロ is used as a jougo or 畳語 , jougo is "basically" something that happens when a word repeats itself, then it actually means something slightly different; normally is something simple as "plural", but for this case we have that the "ero" became something "more erotic than simply ero" buy being used twice in a row; normally is really hard to deliver things like that in a translation.

Well, the notes and pictures have been pretty and all, but probably this isn't going to affect you in the least unless you actually look at text in actual japanese; but there are some times when one can bump into this; for example if one looks at some of Terry's victory quotes in japanese in this game or others, he sometimes pops up with engrish in the text. The same goes for the American Sport Teams.
* - Keishou - *
Keishou or 敬称 means "title of honor" , that is, it's the suffix such as -kun and -chan that I have mentioned already while on the Keigo explanation a few paragraphs up there. Adding a suffix after someone's name kinda immediately reflects what type of relationship or feelings we have with that person, since this was implicitly stated during the Keigo explanation and is pretty much broad knowledge, thus I thought about not explaining it at all.... but I figured that "what the hell", after all, it's a certain kill chance for me to speak of weird things and I clearly never let go of those (specially when I can add pictures). I'm going to explain this easily using a theme of "family" (it's mostly about siblings quarreling).

Girl : Aniki's club... I went to see it

Here we have that the girl, the little sister character is talking to her brother, she uses "Aniki" (older brother) which lacks a suffix, aniki is not that uncommon in regular culture and can even be used when people aren't family members. These two are blood related, but she probably uses 'Aniki' to put airs of maturity and some distance between them -that is- she express her "not dependency" of her brother by treating him fairly, or something.

Gramps : It's a great problem Onii-chan♪
Delinquent : Guaa! Having to these Jii-san-s taking a leave before me really enrages me!
Girl : It's OK Onii-chan! some way or another well manage!
Delinquent : I absolutely not remember having ever being your Aniki!

Here we have that everyone was arguing, and since the delinquent was called brother by his actual sister and friend it quickly became a pun. The delinquent uses Jii-san to call the gramps there, jii is for "old man" (it can even be used as uncle) and the -san is pretty much the most normal suffix to use with strangers (they met there for the first time). Some people use Jii-chan or JiiJii or others, here the delinquent selected the "most proper way" to speak to the old timers, the girl (and the gramps) used Onii-chan to call him which is a "closer" way to say brother than aniki; when the girl called him Onii-chan he retorted that he isn't her Aniki (they are not siblings). Notes that he uses 'Aniki', but the cause for that it's that it probably comes as natural to him, since that's what his spunky little sister calls him.

Girl : Oni... Oni... Oni cha.... What's with this, Aniki?
Delinquent : No, you don't have to force yourself to act like these guys.
Girl : !!
Gramps : Kukukukukuku... If being called Onii-chan satisfies you, you still have long ways to go.
Delinquent : And where is that 'satisfied'!? It's actually saddening that half of that was said by you guys!

Here we have his actual sister, but as shown in the first image she normally calls him Aniki; in this scene is right after the previous one and "following the mood" she tried to call him Onii-chan like everyone else did; but she finds it difficult.... This is probably because she is mindful of their personal level. It was even implied in another scene that she used Onii-chan when she was a kid, thus she doesn't want to act childish again and over dependent of him again. BTW, part of the delinquent's grievance comes from being called "(older) brother" by a these 'old enough to be his granpa' guys.

Blonde : Those two, are they on bad terms? hey, Onii-chan?
Delinquent : A-.. Noe seems to be the one who one sided-ly dislikes her... And don't go around calling me Onii-chan!!

In the previous scene, the "spiky and blood related sibling of the delinquent girl" was heatedly arguing with that "sparkling girl who called the delinquent onii-chan" a few frames back. The spiky haired one is "Noe", at this point the blond girl with cap was asking why they scuffle all the time, and following the mood -again- used "onii-chan". The delinquent first answers her seriously, but retorts that he doesn't want to be called "Onii-chan" by her, who he finds weird, is -I think- older than him and is -clearly- not his blood related sister. Note that here the delinquent uses Onii-chan, but that is because he was quoting the hat girl.

Delinquent : This is...
Letter : From Ojii-chan to Tama-chan

Here the delinquent finds a letter with a package. The senders calls himself O-jii-chan , and since this is a gift he probably is the actual granpa of the receiver, Tama-chan. The package contains 10.000 yen. The -chan implies that Tama is a little girl, this is important for later.

Everyone : So you purposely let go of that 10.000 yen... To make use of that luck at a time like this----!?
Announcer : Well, there is still some hope for Tama-chan

This was a competition and at one point the participants started bragging about their luck, the delinquent points out that incident where he found that 10.000 yen, but he further reveals that he returned it and doesn't have any intention of using that stroke of luck, and that he was saving it for an important moment such as the showdown that he is going to face. The crew goes on to imagine how Tama-chan (the cute little kid) still has a chance of getting her O-jii-chan's package / present.

Delinquent : Could it be that you are Tama-chan!?
Twintails : ..... To be called "-chan" by someone younger than me, it's kinda hot

This blonde character popped up later in the story. After some arguing and the like eventually it's revealed that she is the 'Tama-chan' who was supposed to receive the package. Now, the catch in the situation is that the delinquent uses "Tama-chan" to address her since it was in the letter, but since she is actually his senpai he shouldn't use "-chan" with her but something more respectful; Tama-chan notes that the "change" of being called -chan by someone younger "it's moe" :lol: (well, she does fall for him a few chapters later). For the record when he becomes conscious of their standings, he starts using "Tama-senpai" with her, but she actually dislikes that and requests the "-chan" instead.

Well, what are the main points of this argument? Well, for one side we have that a single guy doesn't need to be "called" the same by everybody, but rather the suffix are meant not to be general unless we are not close with that person. We also have that there are basic norms that are supposed to be followed (as in, properly addressing your elders and stuff). Now, when it comes to KoF is hard to say when does this apply, specially since the translation usually doesn't show us that -san in the vs dialogs unless we are playing in the japanese setting.
* - Goshaku - *
Goshaku or [ 語釈 ] , means "word interpretation" actually I'm not going to use the definition of the term perse, but I'm going to group here all of the explanations and things that can be weird to understand and that can be kind of subjective.

Stuck in the carnage between my girlfriend & Childhood friend.

Stuck in the carnage between my girlfriend & Childhood friend (+H).

Very quick, dirty and easy example, here we have a Light novel title interpreted in two different opportunities; hiragana description was the same the two times, since it has a clear source; however the interpretation of the transcription changed; this happens because the "shu" is written as しゅ and if we pronounce that as it's written, it becomes "shyu" or something in those lines. This becomes more terrible with some characters, like つ, which is usually pronouced as "tsu" but it can be interpreted as multitude of things as long as you are flexible (for example, there is a "ore no TUEEE" meme, where the tue comes from the つえ aka "strong"); somepeople have even pronounce it as zdu which I find incredibly odd.

The thing is that, while there are many studies and rules and other stuff about transcribing language and whatnot, what ultimately people care about is "passing the message"; as long as the message is sent, rules can be bent or ignored as much as it's pleased; this usually the most noticeable to us from the west, as since we "study" the language to learn, we stick to very hard built and inflexible rules for the sake of learning convenience and better understanding. Most of the Japanese are very flexible when it comes to these interpretations (you could argue that is a consequence of them dealing with Kanji and part of their literary culture and etc), thus it can be pretty hard to adapt since a same person can change their interpretation after a few days.

There are some even more "famous" cases, for example for demon king of 魔王 , back in the day Maoh was the absolute usual accepted "english" interpretation, but nowdays people just stick to the phonetic Maou and leave it there. In fact I once did a little experiment of mentioning that "maoh" to a translator and a huge argument was created after that (the same happened with the tsu and the zdu); disregarding that the "Ma-oh" was meant to be a more an exception for the sake of getting an exact phonetic version in the first place since . This is kinda relevant because nowdays no one would agree with the name "Haohmaru" since the phonetic version can be used as "Haou".

Of course that doesn't mean that Japanese is a sloppy language or something like that, that "flexibility" is actually hard to understand and "messy" usually when it comes to explaining foreing terms (that's why some english words have like 4 or 5 katakana versions); that can also be associated to the medium they use to write (for example, in a japanese keyboard producing the english transcription of "match" can be incredibly hard since they have no since "t" letter; that's why it's usually converted to kana as マッハ or マッチ. The thing is that when it comes to talk within native japanese, that flexibility is very well thought and played, thus it comes out as a form as beauty (though is not nearly as deep as in mandarin, mind you).

Monologue : Idiot! You idot Chiwa!
Monologue : How can you not understand that "Recchiri" is an an abbreviation of "Red Hot Chilli Peppers"!

Nicely explained by use of stands, :lol: A pretty obvious mention, but we do have sometimes that a word is usually "not actually pronounced", but can be ommited or shortened as convenience sees fit. In fictional media, there is this "famous case" of a character who is highly cultured, but has pretty much no social experience, thus when it comes to slangs such as shortening words and stuff, she gets confused and cutely tries to assest what is going on while someone else interlude, quite a change from the usual headstrong "always right". Speaking of.

Cool Beauty : It doesn't matter who is the one looking, is obvious your human nature is simply below everybody else.
Cool Beauty : Have you never thought of changing yourself?
Rotten Eyes : Other people shouldn't have a say on what is "myself"
Rotten Eyes : In any event, if myself was easily changed by somebody else's words, would that even qualify as "myself"?
Cool Beauty : You are merely just running away
Rotten Eyes : What's so wrong about running away?
Rotten Eyes : To change and keep changing
Rotten Eyes : Are you the type that would say to the sun "it's a bother that you keep rising from the west, so today do so from the east".
Cool Beauty SD : "Go East"
Cool Beauty : That's a sophistry merely focused on switching around the point of a subject.
Rotten Eyes : When it comes to switching around the point, you are also falling into chicanery.
Rotten Eyes : Change is, in the end, used to escape a current situation, isn't?
Rotten Eyes : The true meaning of not runing away would be to not change and to stand firmly through it.
Rotten Eyes : Between us, who is truly running away?

Not a good example about anything, but I soo wanted to fit some of that eye sex somewhere :lol: Here we basically have the usual ritual of "playing on words" and "swapping concepts" as part of an argument where conceding and overtaken can happen in an instant. When it comes to kof, well, that usually doesn't happen much and obviously not in battle, but we can see some of it within the story modes (like, people that play with the meaning of "kyoukugen" or "extreme limit", those are usually lost in translation and I remember them showing up a lot in that mode).

So, there you have it? Lesson of the day? I guess, as long as the point is made, don't freet on the small stuff.

Re: Exploding Goldfish (Translation) Thread

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 17:10
by Toxic Avanger
reserved, meant to post my "i want to know" question to people that can help me.

Duolon : Sample 27
結構 を つめ , Meaning "A good wrap up" ; is that right? I kinda doubt my own hearing.

K' : Sample 21
Hikkon dero yo? I just don't get it.

K' : Sample 32.
I understand what that the dialog says something like "here I'll finish it", but it's the exact word selection that he uses the one that confuses me. kokode owara sette yari or is it Owaru? ari?

Re: Exploding Goldfish (Translation) Thread

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 17:10
by Toxic Avanger
Ash Crimson
Catch Copy :
Dialog : Azawarau Hokage
Kana : 嘲笑う 火影
Meaning : Sneering Firelight
Notes : 火影 can go for "a moving shape of a shadow playing in the light of the fire" which I think fits Ash perfectly.

Selection Screen 1 :
Dialog : Bonjour♪
Meaning : "Good Day♪"
No : Sample 46
Notes : Obviously in french.

Selection Screen 2 :
Dialog : Boku ni ha kate nai yo
Kana : ぼく に は 勝て ない ヨ
Meaning : "They won't be beating me"
No : Sample 47

Front Roll :
Dialog : Non Non
Meaning : "No no"
No : Sample 18
Note : French

Roll Recovery :
Dialog : Dame dame
Kana : だめ だめ
Meaning : "Bad bad"
No : Sample 19

Standing up :
Dialog 1 : Nu
Kana : ぬ
Dialog 2 : Aa
Kana : あぁ
Meaning : "Argh"
No : Sample 22
Dialog 3 : Yaru ne
Kana : やる ネ
Meaning : "Good one"
No : Sample 23 , 24

Taunt :
Dialog : Gakkari da yo
Kana : がっかり だ ヨ
Meaning : "So disappointing"
No : Sample 25

Blow Back Attack :
Dialog : Jama
Kana : 邪魔
Meaning : "In the way"
No : Sample 5
Note : "Move it" might be more accurate, but I want to erase the voice of the american dubbing from my mind.

Hyper Drive Mode :
Dialog : Owari da ne
Kana : 終わり だ ネ
Meaning : "It's Over, isn't?"
No : Sample 43
Note : Loose interpretation that gets the point.

Throw Escape :
Dialog : AHAHA♪
Kana : アハハ♪
No : Sample 6

Stun :
Dialog : U··· Sonna···
Kana : う··· そんな···
Meaning : "U... Not that..."
No : Sample 20

Soft KO :
Dialog : A··· Sonna···
Kana : あ··· そんな···
Meaning : "A... Not that..."
No : Sample 16

Hard KO 1 :
Kana : ああああああああ!
No : Sample 14

Hard KO 2 :
Kana : うあああああああ!!
No : Sample 15

Recompense :
Dialog : AHAHA♪
Kana : アハハ♪
No : Sample 6

Floreal :
Dialog 1 : Eya!
Kana : えやぁ!
No : Sample 3
Dialog 2 : Ha!
Kana : ハァ!
No : Sample 4

Nivose :
Dialog : So··re
Kana : そ··れ
Meaning : ""
No : Sample 35

Ventose :
Dialog 1 : Horra
Kana : ほっら
Meaning : "Look"
No : Sample 32 , 33
Notes : Less literally would be "check this", he is trying to caught the attention of the listener.
Dialog 2: Horra、 hora
Kana : ほっら、ほら
Meaning : "Loook, look"
No : Sample 34
Notes : ほらほら is a 畳語 that literally means "empty and spacy", but I took it as if he is speaking the words separatedly.

Genie :
Dialog : * No Dialog *

Germinal Caprice :
Dialog 1 : Iku yo
Kana : 行く ヨ
Meaning : "There goes"
No : Sample 36
Dialog 2 : Bon voyage
Meaning : "Have a nice trip"
No : Sample 37
Notes : French

Pluviose :
Dialog : Sore! Sore!! Sore!!!!
Kana : それ! それ!! それ!!!!
Meaing : "There! There!! There!!!!"
No : Sample 38 , 39 , 40
Notes : he adds a それ! with the EX version.

Termidore :
Dialog : Ku·ru·tto··· ne!?
Kana : くるっと ね!?
Meaning : "It's s·p·i·n·n·i·n·g... Isn't!?"
No : Sample 41 , 42
Note : Not 100% on this one.

Sansculotte :
Dialog : Owari da ne
Kana : 終わり だ ネ
Meaning : "It's Over, isn't?"
No : Sample 43

Germinal :
Dialog : Iku yo
Kana : 行く ヨ
Meaning : "There goes"
No : Sample 36

Fructidor :
Dialog 1 : Owari da ne。
Kana : 終わり だ ネ。
Meaning : "It's Over, Isn't?"
No : Sample 43
Dialog 2 : Chieっ
Kana : ちえっ
Meaning : * Just a sound of annoyance *
No : Sample 7
Dialog 3 : Taete misete yo······
Kana : 耐えて みせて ヨ······
Meaning : "Try and put up with this......"
No : Sample 44
Dialog 4 : AHA HA HA HA!
Kana : アハハハハ!
No : Sample 45
Notes : Dialog 2 is for when it doesn't, if it grabs is replaced by Dialog 3 & then 4.

Victory Pose 1 :
Dialog : Au revoir♪
Meaning : "Good bye♪"
Notes : French.
No : Sample 26

Victory Pose 2 :
Dialog : Mata kite yo ne A~haha♪
Kana : また 来て ヨ ネ アハハハ♪
Meaning : "Drop by again A~haha♪"
No : Sample 27

Victory Pose 2 :
Dialog : Kekkou iisen、 ittetan janai?
Kana : 結構 いい線、 いってたん じゃない?
Meaning : "That was a pretty good display, didn't I said so?"
No : Sample 28

Victory Pose 3 :
Dialog : Boku ni wa kate nai yo
Kana : ぼく に は 勝て ない ヨ
Meaning : "You can't beat me"
No : Sample 29
Notes : vs Saiki

Victory Pose 4 :
Dialog : Gakari da yo
Kana : がっかり だ ヨ
Meaning : "So disappointing"
No : Sample 30
Note : vs Saiki

Victory Pose 5 :
Dialog : Kekkou iisen、 ittetan janai?
Kana : 結構 いい線、 いってたん じゃない?
Meaning : "That was a pretty good display, didn't I said so?"
No : Sample 31
Notes : vs Betty

Additional info over here

Re: Exploding Goldfish (Translation) Thread

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 17:11
by Toxic Avanger
Ash Crimson Translation over here

Fighting Style : Self-Taught (Utilizes a unique type of flame)
Birthplace : Raised in France(?)
Birthdate : February 14
Height : 178cm
Weight : 59kg
Blood Type : O
Hobby : Nail Art
Favorite Food : Sachertorte (It's sweet)
Forte in sports : None (Since sports are a too much of a hassle)
Important things : Nails
Disliked things : Bothersome things, things that aren't interesting

Recompenses -> Reward
Floreal -> Floreal
Floreal (Kouhou) -> フロレアール(後方) -> Floreal (Back)

Ventose -> Windy
Nivose -> Snowy
Genie -> Genius
Germinal Caprice

Thermidor -> Summer Heat
Pluviose -> Rainy
Sans-culotte -> Without Pants
Germinal -> Germination
Fructidor -> Fruit

* Culotte is a type of pants used by the aristocracy, "without culottes" (sans culottes) was used to describe the poor people, the ones that caused the French Revolution, eventually it became a political faction thus it's relationship to the revolutionary calendar, which is from where Ash takes his move names.

* Everyone and their grandmother has told us that Ash moveset comes from the french revolution calendar, right? What's funny is that no one ever told us what each part of the calendar means.

Vendémiaire in French (from Latin vindemia, "grape harvest"), starting 22, 23 or 24 September
Brumaire (from French brume, "fog"), starting 22, 23 or 24 October
Frimaire (From French frimas, "frost"), starting 21, 22 or 23 November

Nivôse (from Latin nivosus, "snowy"), starting 21, 22 or 23 December
Pluviôse (from Latin pluvius, "rainy"), starting 20, 21 or 22 January
Ventôse (from Latin ventosus, "windy"), starting 19, 20 or 21 February

Germinal (from Latin germen, "germination"), starting 20 or 21 March
Floréal (from Latin flos, "flower"), starting 20 or 21 April
Prairial (from French prairie, "pasture"), starting 20 or 21 May

Messidor (from Latin messis, "harvest"), starting 19 or 20 June
Thermidor (or Fervidor) (from Greek thermon, "summer heat"), starting 19 or 20 July
Fructidor (from Latin fructus, "fruit"), starting 18 or 19 August

Nagashiro Sounosuke

Currently affiliated with TTB, or TV Talent Bureau; he is a voice actor that it's semi active in the Osaka Area.
Despise playing a main role in a fighting game as a debut, we have that he actually hasn't had a true breakthrough role that has pushed him to fame and has mostly small parts in TV ADs and Radio CMs.

I have always read rumors that he was training to be a Sushi cook and take over the family business, but that SNK got to know him by coincidence and pushing him over to try voice acting. While I haven't read too much about him to know if that's true or not, that would explain why SNK is so active into pushing roles for him.

Oh, and if you are asking, it's not unusual for voice actors to have more than 1 occupation; though for most famous VAs that other occupation is related to the industry (TV appearances, radio shows, signing, acting or something). If he never dropped the chef deal, that would make a lot of sense as he is not very active as a VA.

Nagashiro over TTB
His blog

Sources : jwiki, stupid things that I have read over the years.

Re: Exploding Goldfish (Translation) Thread

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 23:50
by Toxic Avanger
Sakazaki Ryo -> 坂崎 亮
Kanjis conpounding name : 坂 "Hill" , 崎 "Promontory" , 亮 "Clear"
Kanjis conpounding Kyokugen Ryuu Karate : 極 "Extreme" , 限 "Limit" , 流 "Style"
空 "Sky" , 手 "Hand". Though Karate should be considered as "empty hand" (as in no weapons)

Catch Copy :
Dialog : Muteki no Ryuu
Kana : 無敵 の 龍
Meaning : "The invincible Dragon"

Selection Screen 1 :
Dialog : Oshiete Yarou···· Kyokugen no Kobushi wo!
Kana : 教えて やろう···· 極限 の 拳 を!
Meaning : "I'll show you.... The Fist of Kyokugen!"
No : Sample 45

Selection Screen 2 :
Dialog : Yosh、 Koi!
Kana : よぉし、 こい!
Meaning : "Good, Come!"
No : Sample 46

Front Roll :
Dialog : Hu!
Kana : ふ!
No : Sample 18

Roll Recovery :
Dialog : Oーtto!
Kana : おーっと!
Meaning : "Whーoops!"
No : Sample 19

Standing up :
Dialog 1 : Oーsu!
Kana : おーす!
No : Sample 21
Dialog 2 : Hu
Kana : ほ
No : Sample 22
Dialog 3 : Fuッ
Kana : フッ
No : Sample 23

Taunt :
Dialog : Oo! Oa!
Kana : おお! おあ!
No : Sample 24

Blow Back attack :
Dialog : Urya!
Kana : うりゃあ!
No : Sample 5

Hyper Drive Mode :
Dialog : Moratta!
Kana : もらった!
Meaning : "I got you!"
No : Sample 43

Throw Escape :
Dialog : Ossha!
Kana : おっしゃあ!
Meaning : "Good!"
No : Sample 17
Notes : It's actually kinda like a positive grunt.

Stun :
Dialog : KUuuuっー
Kana : くぅぅぅっー
No : Sample 16

Soft KO :
Dialog : Kuooo!····
Kana : くおぉぉ!····
No : Sample 15

Hard KO 1 :
Dialog : Kusoooo!
Kana : くそぉぉぉ!
Meaning : "Damnnnnnnn!"
No : Sample 13

Hard KO 2 :
Dialog : Guoooo!
Kana : ぐおぉぉぉ!
No : Sample 14

Tomoe Nage :
Dialog : Urya!
Kana : うりゃ!
No : Sample 6

Hyouchuu Wari :
Dialog 1 : Ha
Kana : ハ
No : Sample 3
Dialog 2 : Un
Kana : フ
No : Sample 4

Joudan Uke :
Dialog : * No Dialog *

Gedan Uke :
Dialog : * No Dialog *

Ko-ou Ken :
Dialog : Ko-ou Ken!
Kana : 虎煌 拳!
Meaning : "Tiger-Gleam fist!"
No : Sample 30 , 31

Kou-ou :
Dialog : Oorya!
Kana : おりゃあ!
No : Sample 32 , 33

Hien Shippu Kyaku :
Dialog : Hien Shippuu Kyaku!
Kana : 飛燕 疾風 脚!
Meaning : "Flying Gale Kick!"
No : Sample 34

Zanretsu Ken :
Dialog 1 : Zanretsu Ken!
Kana : 暫烈 拳!
Meaning : "Momentary Violence Fist!"
No : Sample 35 , 36
Dialog 2 : Urya!
Kana : うりゃあ!
No : Sample 5
Dialog 3 : Un! Un! Urya!
Kana : ふ! ふ! うりゃあ!
No : Sample 3, 5
Dialog 4 : Yosh!!
Kana : よーし!!
Meaning : "Good!!"
No : Sample 25
Notes : Dialog 2 is the last hit for the move, Dialog 3 raplaces 2 for the EX.
Dialog 4 is a taunt after the move hits, which can be cancelled.

Haoh Sho Koh Ken :
Dialog : Haoh Sho Koh Ken!
Kana : 覇王 翔 吼 拳!
Meaning : "Supreme King Flying Roaring Fist (technique)!"
No : Sample 37 , 38

Ryuuko Ranbu :
Dialog 1 : Kyokugen-Ryuu Ougi!
Kana : 極限流 奥義!
Meaning : "Kyokugen-Style Secret Technique!"
No : Sample 39 , 40
Dialog 2 : Ikuzo! Robert!!
Kana : いくぞ! ロバート!!
Meaning : "Let's go! Robert!!"
No : Sample 41
Dialog 3 : OraOraOraOraOra! Moratta!
Kana : オラオラオラオラオラ! もらった!
Meaning : "OraOraOraOra! I got you!"
No : Sample 42 , 43
Dialog 4 : Yosh!!
Kana : よーし!!
Meaning : "Good!!"
No : Sample 26
Notes : Sample 42 & 43 are only for when the move hits. Sample 41 replaces 40 if the enemy is Robert. Sample is only at the end of the EX version.

Shin · Tenchi Haou Ken :
Dialog 1 : Ichigeki Hissatsu!
Kana : 一撃 必殺!
Meaning : "One-hit-certain-Kill!"
No : Sample 44
Dialog 2 : Yosh!!
Kana : よーし!!
Meaning : "Good!!"
No : Sample 26

Victory Pose 1 :
Dialog : Oーsu!
Kana : おーす!
No : Sample 27

Victory Pose 2 :
Dialog : Korega Kyokugen ryuu da!
Kana : これ が 極限 流 だ!
Meaning : "This is the Kyokugen style!"
No : Sample 28

Victory Pose 3 :
Dialog : MadaMada da na、 Robert
Kana : まだまだ だ な 、 ロバート
Meaning : "Still ways to go, Robert"
No : Sample 29

Additional info over here

Re: Exploding Goldfish (Translation) Thread

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 23:51
by Toxic Avanger
Ryo Sakazaki translation over here

Fighting Style : Kyokugen-ryuu Karate
Birthplace : Japan
Birthdate : August 2
Height : 179cm
Weight : 75kg
Blood Type : O
Hobby : Self taught Carpentering [ 日曜大工 ]
Favorite Food : Mochi , Natto
Forte in sports : Sumo
Important things : A Bike he restored himself, A horse he received as a present.
Disliked things : Insects that have many legs

* So, Ryo is a "do it yourself" guy. And don't freaking ask me how he is skilled at Sumou.

Tomoe Nage -> 巴投げ -> overhead judo throw
* It's and advanced Judo technique where the momentum of the enemy is used to send them away, you can read it as "comma throw" but you are obviously not supposed to.
Hyouchuu Wari -> 氷柱割り -> Ice Tile / Pillar splitter
Joudan Uke -> 上段受け -> Upper level Undertakement
Gedan Uke -> 下段受け -> Lower level Undertakement
* I once read that in Kyokushin (and ergo Kyokugen, since it's derived from it) it's very important as a defense to parry the enemy attacks, if we go by that the Uke (literally "to receive") would hint to go for something like "match the enemy attack with your defense", which is exactly how the moves are supposed to be used.

Ko-ou Ken -> 虎煌拳 -> Tiger-Gleam fist
Ko-hou -> 虎砲 -> Tiger Cannon
Hien Shippuu Kyaku -> 飛燕疾風脚 -> Flying Gale Kick
* Hien is literally a bird (swallow), however it can also be used to describe it's "beautiful" flying form.
Zanretsu Ken -> 暫烈拳 -> Momentary Violence Fist

Haoh Sho Koh Ken -> 覇王翔吼拳 -> Supreme King Flying Roaring Fist (technique)
Ryuuko Ranbu -> 龍虎乱舞 -> Tiger & Dragon Dance

Shin ・ Tenchi Haoh Ken -> 真 ・ 天地覇煌拳 ->True Heaven and Earth Supreme Gleam Fist

Usui Masaki

Not only a Voice Actor, he is also well known TV personality in Osaka and is also affiliated with TTB. Hailing from Nara prefecture, has blood type A, 178cm tall and his best sport is Ski. He loves movies and he can play trumpets and classic guitars

TTB page

Source : jwiki

Re: Exploding Goldfish (Translation) Thread

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 06:01
by Toxic Avanger
Robert Garcia
Notes : Robert speaks with Kansai-Ben (Osaka dialect), according to SNK that was so since because he is foreign, his japanese needed to have an accent.
Kanjis conpounding Kyokugen Ryuu Karate : 極 "Extreme" , 限 "Limit" , 流 "Style"
空 "Sky" , 手 "Hand". Though Karate should be considered as "empty hand" (as in no weapons)

Catch Copy :
Dialog : Saikyou no Tora
Kana : 最強 の 虎
Meaning : "The Strongest Tiger"

Selection Screen 1 :
Dialog : Oteyawaraka ni tanomi masse
Kana : お手柔らか に たのみ まっせ
Meaning : "Just treat me gently"
No : Sample 45
Notes : A 'go easy on me' type of line said in a conceinted way.

Selection Screen 2 :
Dialog : Osh!
Kana : おし!
Meaning : "Neat!"
No : Sample 46
Notes : It's not a direct translation, it's just a grunt.

Front Roll :
Dialog : Ha!
Kana : は!
No : Sample 18

Roll Recovery :
Dialog : Otto!
Kana : おっと!
Meaning : "Oops!"
No : Sample 19

Standing up :
Dialog 1 : Ha!
Kana : は!
No : Sample 22
Dialog 2 : Haa!
Kana : はあ!
No : Sample 23
Dialog 3 : Hmn!
Kana : ふん!
No : Sample 24

Taunt :
Dialog : Uoooo!
Kana : うぉぉぉ!
No : Sample 21

Blow Back attack :
Dialog : Dorya!
Kana : どりゃあ!
No : Sample 5

Hyper Drive Mode :
Dialog : * No Dialog *

Throw Escape :
Dialog : Ottoto!
Kana : おっとと!
Meaning : "Ooppsie!"

Stun :
Dialog : UuOoo!
Kana : うぅおぉぉ!
No : Sample 20

Soft KO :
Dialog : Guooo!······ Uu···
Kana : ぐぉぉぉ!······ うぅ···
No : Sample 15

Hard KO 1 :
Dialog : Kusottare!!
Kana : くそったれぇぇ!!
Meaning : "You shithead!!"
No : Sample 13

Hard KO 2 :
Dialog : UOOooo!
Kana : うおおぉぉ!
No : Sample 14

Kubikiri Nage :
Dialog : Sorya!
Kana : そりゃあ!
No : Sample 6

Upper :
Dialog 1 : Toha!
Kana : とは!
No : Sample 3
Dialog 2 : Haa!
Kana : はあ!
No : Sample 4

Low Kick :
Dialog 1 : Toha!
Kana : とは!
No : Sample 3
Dialog 2 : Haa!
Kana : はあ!
No : Sample 4

Ushiro Geki :
Dialog 1 : Toha!
Kana : とは!
No : Sample 3
Dialog 2 : Haa!
Kana : はあ!
No : Sample 4

Sankaku Geki :
Dialog 1 : Toha!
Kana : とは!
No : Sample 3
Dialog 2 : Haa!
Kana : はあ!
No : Sample 4

Ryu Geki Ken :
Dialog : Ryu Geki Ken!
Kana : 龍 撃 拳!
Meaning : "Dragon attack Fist / Technique!"
No : Sample 28 , 29

Ryuga :
Dialog 1 : Torya!
Kana : とりゃあ!
No : Sample 36
Dialog 2 : Dorya!
Kana : どりゃあ!
No : Sample 37

Hien Shippu Kyaku :
Dialog : Hien Shippuu Kyaku!
Kana : 飛燕 疾風 脚!
Meaning : "Flying Gale Kick!"
No : Sample 32 , 33
Notes : If it doesn't hit, you only hear sample 32

Genei Kyaku :
Dialog : Genei Kyaku!
Kana : 幻影 脚!
Meaning : "Phantom Kick!"
No : Sample 34 , 35
Notes : ghost are meant to be semi-transparent / invisible in asian culture, going for that the interpretation could go with something like "semi-invisible" / "you can't see this" Kick.

Ryuuren Genei Kyaku :
Dialog 1 : Sorya!
Kana : そりゃあ!
No : Sample 6
Dialog 2 : Dorya!
Kana : どりゃあ!
No : Sample 5
Notes : Dialog 2 is only there when the move grabs.

Hien RyuJin Kyaku :
Dialog : Hien Ryujin Kyaku!
Kana : 飛燕 龍神 脚!
Meaning : "Flying Dragon God Kick!"
No : Sample 30 , 31

Haoh Sho Koh Ken :
Dialog : Haoh Sho Koh Ken!
Kana : 覇王 翔 吼 拳!
Meaning : "Supreme King Flying Roaring Fist (technique)!"
No : Sample 41

Ryuuko Ranbu :
Dialog 1 : Uoooo!
Kana : うぉぉぉ!
No : Sample 38
Dialog 2 : Dorya!
Kana : どりゃあ!
No : Sample 36
Dialog 3 : Uoooo!
Kana : うぉぉぉ!
No : Sample 39
Dialog 4 : Sorya
Kana : そりゃあ!
No : Sample 40
Notes : For the regular version Dialong 1 & 2 are heard, for the EX version all dialogs are there.
If the moves whiffs, only Dialog 1 is heard regardless of Ex or not.

Hien Shippuu RyuJin Kyaku :
Dialog 1 : Ikimasse··· Sorya!
Kana : いきまっせ··· そりゃあ!
Meaning : "Here we go... * Grunt *"
No : Sample 42
Dialog 2 : Donai ya!
Kana : どない や!!
Meaning : "How's this?!!"
No : Sample 43 , 44
Notes : If the move whiffs, only Dialog 1 is heard.

Victory Pose 1 :
Dialog : Donaishitan ya?
Kana : どないしたん や?
Meaning : "What's wrong?"
No : Sample 25

Victory Pose 2 :
Dialog : Zatto konna mon ya!
Kana : ざっと こんな もん や!
Meaning : "That for about does it"
No : Sample 26
Notes : As in 'with that much the job got done'.

Victory Pose 3 :
Dialog : Osh!
Kana : おし!
Meaning : "Neat!"
No : Sample 27
Notes : Versus the other Kyokugen.

Other Info

Re: Exploding Goldfish (Translation) Thread

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 06:02
by Toxic Avanger
Robert Garcia translation Over Here

edit : updated some of the wanted / help me things, here

Fighting Style : Kyokugen-ryuu Karate
Birthplace : Italy
Birthdate : December 25
Height : 180cm
Weight : 85kg
Blood Type : AB
Hobby : Designing Future concepts for car
Favorite Food : Sushi , Yakisoba
Forte in sports : MotorSports *
Important things : Car collection
Disliked things : Rakkyou *

* These are sports that require driving and usually customizing, keeping in shape and sometimes even building from the ground up your own machine.
** It's the Alluim Chinese. We could deduct that he probably poisoned himself once due to ingestion? :P

Kubikiri Nage -> 首切り投げ -> Neck Cutting Throw
Low Kick
Ushiro Geri -> 後ろ蹴り -> Rear Kick
Sankaku Geki -> 三角撃 -> Triangular Attack

Ryu geki ken -> 龍撃拳 -> Dragon attack Fist / Technique
Ryuuga -> 龍牙 -> Dragon Fang
Hien shippu kyaku -> 飛燕疾風脚 -> Flying Gale Kick
* hien, for this case, would be a gallant and deadly flying form
Genei Kyaku -> 幻影脚 -> Phantom Kick (as in, "not visible" kick)
Ryuuren ・ Genei Kyaku -> 龍連 ・ 幻影脚 -> Dragon Lead Phantom Kick (unsure about this one)
Hien Ryujin Kyaku -> 飛燕龍神脚 -> Flying Dragon God Kick

Haoh Sho Koh Ken -> 覇王翔吼拳 -> Supreme King Flying Roaring Fist (technique)
Ryuuko Ranbu -> 龍虎乱舞 -> Tiger & Dragon Dance
Hien Shippuu RyuJin Kyaku -> 飛燕疾風龍神脚 -> Flying Gale Dragon God Kick

Inage Key

His birth name is Inage Katsuhiro. Along with voice acting he is a radio DJ who is belongs to Vozator voice production , his main activities are being the host of a pachinko dedicated show, doing jobs as narrator and being the DJ of e-radio (" onclick=";return false;ラジオマガジン_プレイランド・シガ )

His Blood type is O and hails from Kagawa prefecture, he used to work for TTB (check the other VA info I posted to see what's TTB).

Profile as "Vozator"
Blog here

Source : jwiki

Re: Exploding Goldfish (Translation) Thread

Posted: Wed Jan 18, 2012 06:54
by SonicTempest
Toxic Avanger wrote:reserved, meant to post my "i want to know" question to people that can help me.

Duolon : Sample 27
結構 を つめ , Meaning "A good wrap up" ; is that right? I kinda doubt my own hearing.
I think it's けいこうつめ rather than けっこうをつめ. No idea what reading it might be, sorry.
K' : Sample 21
Hikkon dero yo? I just don't get it.
'Hikkondero' = "Back off"
K' : Sample 32.
I understand what that the dialog says something like "here I'll finish it", but it's the exact word selection that he uses the one that confuses me. kokode owara sette yari or is it Owaru? ari?
'Koko de owarasete yaru yo'

Re: Exploding Goldfish (Translation) Thread

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2012 17:30
by Toxic Avanger
Sakazaki Takuma -> 坂崎 拓馬
Kanjis conpounding name : 坂 "Hill" , 崎 "Promontory" , 拓 "Clearing the land" , 馬 "Horse"
About his name, think something like Koku-oh, the horse that can kill armies by walking over them; it's supposed to be dramatic.
Kanjis conpounding Kyokugen Ryuu Karate : 極 "Extreme" , 限 "Limit" , 流 "Style"
空 "Sky" , 手 "Hand". Though Karate should be considered as "empty hand" (as in no weapons)

Catch Copy :
Dialog : Gou Ken
Kana : 剛 拳
Meaning : "Strong Fist"

Selection Screen 1 :
Dialog : Kakatte Konka!
Kana : かかった こんか!
Meaning : "Come over here"
No : Sample 44

Selection Screen 2 :
Dialog : OraOra!
Kana : オラオラ!
Meaning : "C'mon, C'mon!"
No : Sample 45

Front Roll :
Dialog : Shaッ!
Kana : シャッ!
No : Sample 19

Roll Recovery :
Dialog : Iyaッ!
Kana : イヤッ!
No : Sample 20

Standing up :
Dialog 1 : Hmn!
Kana : ふん!
No : Sample 22
Dialog 2 : Hoo!
Kana : ふぉ!
No : Sample 23

Taunt :
Dialog : Shiッ!
Kana : シッ!
No : Sample 24

Blow Back attack :
Dialog : Haa!
Kana : はぁぁ!
No : Sample 5

Hyper Drive Mode :
Dialog : Shiッ!
Kana : シッ!
No : Sample 24

Throw Escape :
Dialog : Mikitta wa!
Kana : みきった わ!
Meaning : "I see it!"
No : Sample 18

Stun :
Dialog : Fukaku
Kana : ふかく
Meaning : "A blunder"
No : Sample 21

Soft KO :
Dialog : Kooonoooo·····! FuーFukaku
Kana : こぉのぉぉぉぉ·····! ふーふかく
Meaning : "Thiiisssss.....! F-Failure"
No : Sample 16
Notes : "slip up", in that sense.

Hard KO 1 :
Dialog : Uoooo!
Kana : うおぉぉぉ!
No : Sample 14

Hard KO 2 :
Dialog : Gunuuuu!
Kana : ぐぬぅぅぅ!
No : Sample 15

Ippon Seoi :
Dialog : Kahっ!
Kana : かっ!
No : Sample 7

Sokutou Geri :
Dialog : Ha!
Kana : は!
No : Sample 4

Ko-ou Ken :
Dialog 1 : Ko-ou Ken!
Kana : 虎煌 拳!
Meaning : "Tiger-Gleam fist"
No : Sample 30 , 31
Dialog 2 : Ha!
Kana : は!
No : Sample 4
Notes : Dialog 2 is only for the EX

Hien Shippu Kyaku :
Dialog 1 : Hien Shippuu Kyaku!
Kana : 飛燕 疾風 脚!
Meaning : "Flying Gale Kick!"
No : Sample 32
Dialog 2 : Haa!
Kana : はぁぁ!
No : Sample 5
Notes : Dialog 2 is only for the EX.

Kyoukugen Ko-ou :
Dialog : Ko-ou Ken!
Kana : 虎煌 拳!
Meaning : "Tiger-Gleam fist"
No : Sample 30 , 31

Kyoukugen Hougeki :
Dialog : Urya!
Kana : うりゃあ!
No : Sample 35 , 36
Notes : Dilog is only for when it grabs

Zanretsu Ken :
Dialog 1 : Zanretsu Ken!
Kana : 暫烈 拳!
Meaning : "Momentary Violence Fist!"
No : Sample 28
Dialog 2 : Shi!
Kana : シッ!!
No : Sample 29

Ryuuko Ranbu :
Dialog 1 : Kyokugen-Ryuu Ougi!
Kana : 極限流 奥義!
Meaning : "Kyokugen-Style Secret Technique!"
No : Sample 40
Dialog 2 : Todome ja!
Kana : とどめ じゃあ!
Meaning : "The Finisher!"
No : Sample 41
Notes : Todomeru goes as "to put an end" in this context.

Haoh Shi Koh Ken :
Dialog 1: Haoh Shikou Ken!
Kana : 覇王 至高 拳!
Meaning : "Supreme King Supreme Fist (technique)!"
No : Sample 37 , 38
Dialog 2 : Ougi! Hun! Hun! Haa!
Kana : 奥義! うふん! うふん! はぁぁ!
Meaning : "Secret technique!"
No : Sample 39 , 33 , 33 , 5
Notes : Dialog 2 is only for the EX one.

Wild Upper :
Dialog 1 : Ougi!
Kana : 奥義!
Meaning : "Secret Technique!"
No : Sample 42
Dialog 2 : ····· CHESUTO!!
Kana : ····· チェスト!!
No : Sample 43
Notes : There is this "myth" about chesto coming from Kendoh (when they hit chest, they scream chest, and this is totally false as the kiais from
Kendoh where stablished hundred and hundred of years before the japanese had their first contact with the Engrish).

Victory Pose 1 :
Dialog : Douja!
Kana : どうじゃ!
Meaning : "How's this!"
No : Sample 25

Victory Pose 2 :
Dialog : Mijukumono me ga!
Kana : 未熟者 め が!
Meaning : "Damned Amateur!"
No : Sample 26
Notes : Apparently, is only versus Ryo and Robert... It can have more gentle interpretations, but I can't think of some right now.

Victory Pose 3 :
Dialog : Shi!
Kana : シッ!!
No : Sample 27
Notes : I'm not sure about what characters trigger this one. I know that it is said versus Chin.

Additional info Here

Re: Exploding Goldfish (Translation) Thread

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2012 17:31
by Toxic Avanger
Takuma over here

Fighting Style : Kyokugen-ryuu Karate
Birthplace : Japan
Birthdate : February 4
Height : 180cm
Weight : 88kg
Blood Type : O
Hobby : Doing Soba
Favorite Food : White Rice , Miso Soup , Blue Grain , Vinegar Soya Bean *
Forte in sports : Anything that involves Martial Arts
Important things : His two children , Pupils , Kyokugen-ryuu Karate
Disliked things : Snakes

* I don't now what food or condiment Blue Grain [ 青粒 ] is.... Maybe blue grapes?

Ippon seoi -> 一本背負い -> Ippon is "a point" in both Karate and Judo. Seoi is a shoulder throw, thus it's something like "point winning seoi".
Sokutou Geri -> 足刀蹴り -> Twin Blade Kick

Ko-ou ken -> 虎煌拳 -> Tiger-Gleam fist
Hien Shippu Kyaku -> 飛燕疾風脚 -> Flying Gale Kick
Kyokugen Ko-ou -> 極限虎煌 -> Kyoukugen Tiger-Gleam
Kyokugen Hougeki -> 極限崩撃 -> Kyoukugen Demolishing Attack
Zanretsuken -> 暫烈拳 -> Momentary Violence Fist

Ryuuko Ranbu -> 龍虎乱舞 -> Tiger & Dragon Dance
Haoh Shi Koh Ken -> 覇王至高拳 -> Supreme King Supreme Fist (technique)
Wild upper -> 毘瑠斗圧覇(ビルトアッパー) -> read as "Bild Upper" is very complicated to explain, the kanjis are :

毘 -> is the first kanji of the name of Bishamonten , one of the 4 heavenly kings in buddhism , means "assist"
瑠 -> Lapis Lazuli
斗 -> Big Dipper
圧 -> Overwhelming
覇 -> supremacy

So, if you want to interpret it there are many ways... like, I don't know, "Overwhelming Supremacy of the blue deep dipper of the Heavenly King". Or something.

Suda Eiji

Also works for Osaka Talent Bureau Office, he is one of the voices that says departure times on several Osaka Railway stations.

The funny thing is that aside of him doing a couple of commercials and being the recording voice of several train stations, he is pretty much inactive and little is known about him.

TTB page

Re: Exploding Goldfish (Translation) Thread

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2012 00:35
by Toxic Avanger
Terry Bogard

Catch Copy :
Dialog : Densetsu no Ookami
Kana : 伝説 の 狼
Meaning : "Legendary Wolf"

Selection Screen 1 :
Dialog : Hey! Come'on Come'on!
Kana : ヘイ! カモンカモン!
No : Sample 38

Selection Screen 2 :
Dialog : Let's Go!
Kana : レッツゴー!
No : Sample 39

Front Roll :
Dialog : Heっ!
Kana : へっ!
No : Sample 17

Roll Recovery :
Dialog : Ha!
Kana : は!
No : Sample 18

Standing up :
Dialog : Yaru janai ka!
Kana : やる じゃない か!
Meaning : "Not bad!"
No : Sample 20
Dialog 2 : Eっeー
Kana : えっえー
No : Sample 21

Taunt :
Dialog : Yaru janai ka!
Kana : やる じゃない か!
Meaning : "Not bad!"
No : Sample 16

Blow Back attack :
Dialog : HAッ!
Kana : ハッッ!
No : Sample 5

Hyper Drive Mode :
Dialog : Take it easy!
Kana : テイク イット イージー!
No : Sample 24

Throw Escape :
Dialog : HAッ!
Kana : ハッッ!
No : Sample 5

Stun :
Dialog : Ohー No!
Kana : オー ノ!
No : Sample 19

Soft KO :
Dialog : Aaaa!·····
Kana : あぁぁ!·····
No : Sample 15

Hard KO 1 :
Dialog : Nuhaaaaa!
Kana : ぬはああぁぁぁ!
No : Sample 13

Hard KO 2 :
Dialog : Nuaaaaa!
Kana : ぬああぁぁぁ!o
No : Sample 14

Buster Throw :
Dialog : Hun!
Kana : ふん!
No : Sample 6

Rising Upper :
Dialog 1 : っHa!
Kana : っは!
No : Sample 3
Dialog 2 : Hua!
Kana : ふぁ!
No : Sample 4

Back Knuckle :
Dialog 1 : っHa!
Kana : っは!
No : Sample 3
Dialog 2 : Hua!
Kana : ふぁ!
No : Sample 4

Power Wave :
Dialog : Power Wave!
Kana : パワー ウェーブ!
No : Sample 26 , 27

Crack Shoot :
Dialog : Crack Shoot!
Kana : クラック シュート!
No : Sample 30

Rising Tackle :
Dialog : Rising Tackle!
Kana : ライジング タックル!
No : Sample 31 , 32

Burn Knuckle :
Dialog : Burn Knuckle!
Kana : バーン ナックル!
No : Sample 28 , 29

Power Geyser :
Dialog : Power···· Geyser!
Kana : パワー···· ゲイザー!
No : Sample 33 , 34

Buster Wolf :
Dialog 1 : Rock you!
Kana : ロック ユー!
No : Sample 35
Dialog 2 : Buster Wolf!
Kana : バスター ウルフ!
No : Sample 36
Notes : Dialog 2 is only there when the move hits.

Trinity Geyser :
Dialog : Go Bang!
Kana : ゴー バーン!
No : Sample 37

Victory Pose :
Dialog : OK!
Kana : オッケー!
No : Sample 25

Misc info Here