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KOF XIII: Clark Steel

Posted: Mon May 03, 2010 16:37
by videoman190

Command List
Command normals

df + .A - jet upper


fwd or bk + .C

fwd or bk + .D

next to the opponent in air, any direction except up + .C - Death Rake Drive

HCF + .B or .D - Super Argentine Back Breaker - EX
-------> QCF + .A or .C (after SABB) Flashing Elbow

Special moves

fwd + .B .D - step

.A or .C repeatedly - Vulcan Punch - EX

sonicboom + .A or .C - Gatling Attack - EX
-------> DP + .C (after the .C or EX version of Gatling Attack) - Death Rake Drive

Desparation moves

HCB HCB + .A or .C - Ultra Argentine Back Breaker - EX


HCB HCB + .B .D - Ultra Clark Buster
Console changes:
* His Stepping (Forward+BD) is faster
* Weak SAB has full-body autoguard but comes out slower than before
- EX SAB>Flying Elbow can be MAX canceled
- EX Gatling Attack’s invincibility runs out when its hit detection comes out. Projectile invincibility doesn’t, even after hit detection comes out.
- If Fierce or EX Gatling gets blocked, the after attack throw won’t come out any more
* Vulcan Punch can be canceled with another move on startup. This allows for some new combos like close Fierce punch (2nd hit)>VulcanPunch>SAB

Producer Yamamoto says: He’s a throw character so we’ve buffed his throws. With moves like his Weak SAB, his front step, and being able to do a super cancel from a 1-frame throw, he should be able to fight like a real thrower.

Clark Basic usage by Gunsmith
Clark needs to hug. Hugging is good. Clark's game, much like any other grappler, revolves around scaring the opponent into blocking and then hugging them. To do this, Clark has a terrific jump A and B, a decent stand D and a safe close standing C, which will give the beginner time to react with a HD combo should it connect.

Going on the offense is simple - jump CD to knock out any (badly timed) anti airs, then mix up with empty jump + HCF D / crouching B, A, HCF D. Use Clark's Fwd BD to get in the opponents face with HCF B. When you antipate the opponent is going to jump away, use Close Standing C.

Note that confident players will be using Stand D, Dwn Fwd A to inflict maximum damage. Those with slower reaction times should stick to Standing C, because you are relatively safe after it hits a blocking opponent and if it does hit, you have enough time to buffer a BC cancel or HD bypass. Recommended for online play.

Being defensive is also just as effective. Clark has a great jump D which is angled upwards to win any air to air contest and of course the jumping light attacks are even better. Stand .A is the best defense ever against hoppers. Against a deep hop in where Clark has no time but to block, Clark's autoguard HCF .B will catch many (out) before they even realise their attack string isn't working. When Clark blocks an attack string (or even a move), many opponents will be scared because you can instantly hit them with sonicboom .A, which at the right range is relatively safe, and after 2 of those and a jump D, the opponent is reset, and Clark is ready to apply his mind game. Will he empty hop grab or time a hop A which will kill most anti airs, or even empty hop crouching B combo which will snuff out anti airs which don't have lower body invincibility?

Watch my basic tutorial here:" onclick=";return false;

More playing notes by Kane317:
s.B, s.D on wake up works wonders since ppl tend to want to jump after a blocked normal (closeup) against him. Another is d.B (blocked), df.A (not a real link) since they tend to jump. You can cancel the df.A into Step (f+BD) for added pressure (makes me wonder if he can still do his s.A, as a juggle, air throw like in XII).

C Gatling can be followed up with A Gatling sometimes (I got it to work near the corner). A Gatling follows up on Ex Gatling easily. Seems like all of them are unsafe but C and Ex Gatling have great priority. The BBS makes mention that do a d.B (blocked), if they so much as twitch do a Ex Gatling --> follow up.

Oh and:
A Gatling, A Gatling, j.D, Air throw works :) :) Worked near the corner at least but it's hard to do. The j.D seemingly needs to be a hyper jump or jump (the hops don't connect when I tried)...I can't seem to replicate it again but I'll keep trying in training mode, might be distance AND height dependent.

HD Bypass for Clark
HCF + .B .C .D will activate HD and EX HCF + .B .D, so you can cancel it into DM/NM without a HD combo, very useful for empty jump ins, or you can do .D, df.A, hcf+BCD
or cr .B x2, .A, hcf .B .C .D

Notes from shinefist

Ok clark heads, you know that combo off the blog where clark does his b~f+P, b~f+P, hcb,hcb+P

Well i found it hehe, its b~f+C (2nd hit), then you tap p (i think A is easier as its abit slower i think) for the drive cancel vulcan punch, but dont let the vulcan punch hit at all, instead cancel another b~f+C inbetween.

It requires practise though as its quite hard to do. With practise comes better execution tho init.
Clark Basic combos Guide by Robocop Two
Clark is a fairly basic character gameplay wise, he has a decent grab although the range could be alot better, decent normals and okay specials however in the 1.1 arcade version I do feel he lacks a bit of damage to be truely scary so hopefully the console port will address this

Basic combos

Okay, so Clark has some good basic combos to work with from both jump in and low the low one being.....

cr.B, cr.A, b~f+A, b~f+A, j.D

The idea with this combo is you should be charging the gattling punch before you even press the cr.B, if you do that you will always have enough charge for the first gattling punch. Performing the second turn punch and getting to hit is a little tricky but the simplest way to do it is to start charging as soon as you have performed the first gattling punch, before it's even finished. Once you have hit with the second Gattling Punch you can then do the j.D, it is a little tricky to time but it's well worth persevering. Just a little note to those that didn't read the command list, you can't perform the air grab with this combo because you can only perform the air grab extention if you have used the C version of the gattling punch, this may change in the console version but who knows?

Lets say you jump in and get a jumping attack to hit, what combo do you go for then?

j.C, st.D, df+A, hcf+D, qcf+C

That's right, let's keep this simple and damaging, df+A is Clarks command normal and allows him to get a bit more bang in his simple combos but this one is pretty easy. All you need to remember is that if you start on 1P side when you hit the ABB Clark will throw the opponent to the 1P side, putting Clark on the 2P side and so you need to alter your directions for the elbow drop accordingly and if you are having a hard time getting the elbow drop to come out I think you can mash the motion repeatedly and it should still work.

One question that may come to mind (if you are a SF player) is why can anyone combo into grabs? Well this is KoF, it isn't SF and so there are different rules governing the game. The basic way to think about grabs is to consider them unblockable attacks, while this isn't completely accurate it may give you an easier time imagining why things connect. Of you want a more complete answer it is that in KoF you can not be grabbed during block stun but can be at all other times, so if some one has made you guard an attack you can't be thrown and the throw will wiff, if the attack connects, you aren't in block stun so you can still be thrown and so it combos.

So you're thinking that's the end of it, well luckily no it isn't. Clark has some corner specific combos that are relatively easy to hit so I shall put them right here

cr.B, cr.A, mash A, b~f+A, j.D

j.C, st.C (1hit), df+A, mash A, b~f+A, j.D

Now the reason why I haven't put any extra information under these 2 combos is for one reason, console version. One change that has occured in the console version is that the Vulcan punch now only hits once which means this combo doesn't work in the current build but depending on what SNKplaymore feel like, it could change. Fingers crossed that it does and that they give him some extra juice he can add on top.

Intermediate Combos

Okay, so you have learnt these 2 combos so what if you have some resources, some Stock or Drive Cancel, what then?

Well from lows you have this....

cr.B, cr.A, mash AC, hcf+D, qcf+C

What In this possition you want to use the EX Vulcan punch, this version doesn't take the opponent off the ground and on hit it gives you a few (I imagine somewhere between 1 and 3) frames of advantage. This basically means that your oppoent recovers approximately 3 frames after you, and because you are at frame advantage and the opponent can't block the throw it connects and combos.

If you are jumping in you have a very similar combo.....

j.C, st.D, df+A, mashAC, hcf+D, qcf+C

This works in a similar way to your basic low combo with 1 super, it's just that you are substituting the crouching parts for jumping and hard hits and as you can tell, because of this the combo hurts a bit more (which we all like ).

Now if you have 2 or more supers you can extend your combo out further, so from lows you can do.....

cr.B, cr.A, mash AC, hcb.hcb+C

and from jump in you can do.....

j.C, st.D, df+A, mash AC, hcb.hcb+C

These 2 combos are esentially the same as the EX Vulcan punch with the ABB on the end, but instead you are substituting the standard ABB for the super ABB. Instead of doing hcf+D at the end you'll need to start your motions a little earlier but with a little practice, this one will be as easy as the previous ones.

Advanced Combos

So what happens if you have drive but no super, can Clark do anything? Well luckily yes, that being.....

cr.B, cr.A, mash A, DC b~f+C, b~f+A, j.D

Now this combo is a little wierd at first but you can get it after a little practice. What you want to do is treat this combo like you are doing cr.B, cr.A gattling punch however what you are actually doing is cr.B, cr.A and keep on mashing A while still charging the gattling punch. The wierd part is then that you have to Drive Cancel after the first hit, any more then that and the Gattling Punch won't hit properly or at all in some cases and so no extra damage

The jumping variation is a little different to some combos.....

j.C, st.C (1hit), mash C, DC b~f+C, b~f+A, j.D

The reason why you can't use the df+A in this combo is because of the charge time, if you were to use st.D, df+A, mash A the push back would be bigger (as st.D pushes further than 1 hit of st.C) and so you would only connect with 1 hit of the Vulcan Punch and this does not give you enough charge time to perform the Gattling punch. It is possible to do st.D into Vulcan punch but the effort required seems very high and I am dubious over the amount of hits the can come from the vulcan punch. In effect, if you use st.D you make life harder, you gain a small amount of damage from st.D over st.C (1hit) but you lose 1 hit from the Vulcan punch because the st.D has pushed further away so they are approximately the same damage so you might as well go for the easier variation.

So what you need to make sure you do here is to cancel on the 3rd hit of the Vulcan Punch, if you see the 4th hit but you cancel too early then you have cancelled too late unfortunately. This combo is also highly range dependant so if you don't connect as deeply as I do in these videos, it may be better to cancel into the Gattling Punch after 2 hits of the Vulcan Punch.

This next two combos are if you have both Drive Meter and Super Meter to be able to perform combos

cr.B, cr.A, mash A, DC b~f+AC, b~f+C, dp+C

This combo is similar to the DC only combo so if you can get the timing on that one, this one is very similar.

j.C, st.C, df+A, mash AC, DC b~f+C, dp+C

Once again this combo is more like previous combos and because we are now using the EX Vulcan Punch, Clark is always going to get a certain amount of hits so we will always have enough charge time and so we can use his command normal to extend combos out.

The advanced section combos are quite tricky (more so than Leona I would say) but that is why they are advanced and I may need to update a few combos soon. You can make these consistent if you try but don't be disheartened if you don't get them straight away, it will take time to be able to perform these consistently in matches but if you put the time in you can make it work.

Once again, if you guys have anytips for performing this when you get to try the game then please do speak up, also any theory fighter and wild speculation is welcomed.
Basic Combos by Gunsmith

j .D .D HCF .D qcf .C

j .D .D sonicboom .A sonicboom .A j .D

j .D, Stand .D, sonicboom .C, DP .C

525 Damage
2 stocks
Jump .D, Stand .D, df .A, HCBx2 .A .C

534 Damage
2 stocks
50% HD
j .D .D sonicboom .C xx HCF .B .D HCB x2 .C

556 Damage
2 stocks
50% HD
Jump .D, Stand .D, df .A, HCF .B .D xx HCBx2 .P

635 Damage
3 stocks
Full HD
Jump .D, Stand .D, sonicboom .C xx HCF .B .D, QCF .P xx HCB x2 .A .C

660 Damage
3 stocks
50% HD
Jump .D, Stand .D, df .A, HCF .B .D, QCF .P xx HCBx2 .A .C

Easy spam giving you time to think combo
722 Damage + 3 stocks DM / 753 + 4 stocks Damage SDM
Full HD
Jump .D, Stand .C (2hit), .B .C, Stand .C (2hit) HCBx2 .A .C xx HCBx2 .B .D

Crouching HD combo to use from... crouching B
c .B, BC (crouching .C should be executed), sonicboom .C xx HCF .B .D, QCF .P xx HCBx2 .A .C xx HCBx2 .B .D

955 Damage
4 stocks
Full HD
Jump .D, Stand .D, df .A, .B .C, Stand .D, df .A, HCBx2 .A .C xx HCBx2. .B .D

1003 Damage
5 stocks
Full HD
Jump .D, Stand .D, df .A, .B .C, Stand .D, df .A, HCF .B .D, QCF .A xx HCBx2 .A .C xx HCBx2 .B .D
(edited by SonicTempest, 7/18 with the complete movelist)

Re: KOFXIII: Clark

Posted: Tue May 04, 2010 08:12
by Dark_Chaotix
is that a typo? Ultra Argentine Back Breaker is only 1x hcb??

Re: KOFXIII: Clark

Posted: Wed May 05, 2010 05:15
by videoman190
Sorry abut that!

Re: KOFXIII: Clark

Posted: Thu May 06, 2010 01:39
by hebretto
Dark_Chaotix wrote:is that a typo? Ultra Argentine Back Breaker is only 1x hcb??
I'll Ultra Argentine Back Breaker you in a moment if you don't get on your knees and show some gratitude :>

Re: KOFXIII: Clark

Posted: Thu May 06, 2010 13:39
by Gunsmith
hcf + K for normal SAB or hcb?

Re: KOFXIII: Clark

Posted: Fri May 07, 2010 01:56
by Toxic Avanger
Gunsmith wrote:hcf + K for normal SAB or hcb?
It's forward. It's listed as that on the official site as well.

Re: KOFXIII: Clark

Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2010 06:51
by Torri
Can anyone tell me about his new move, death rake drive? It was in the translation blog and it said it came after his gatling attack ( sonicboom .P ). I didn't see it put in the move list or anything, and was wondering about the specifics and properties of it.

Re: KOFXIII: Clark

Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2010 07:05
by SonicTempest
As far as I know it's basically the old Napalm Stretch followup from his Gatling Attack, except that the animation is different. The properties and command are the same though - jumping grab followup after his gatling attack hits.

Also the first post needs to be updated based on the contents of the official movelist. I'll do that now.

Re: KOFXIII: Clark

Posted: Mon Jul 19, 2010 07:14
by Torri
Clark has been around for a long time...but I still feel like they are running him bare. At the least, I with they would give him shining wizard. Anyway, thanks for the response...I don't play clark, but I hope he is fun to play with the additions of EX's and NeoMaxs. Anyone have some first hand accounts of playing him in XIII and any real changes?

Re: KOFXIII: Clark

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2010 11:56
by fiol
from zer0kage @neoempire
Oh yeah here's a nice 65% combo I pieced up with Clark that only requires 2 bars.

crC C Gatling (2hits)-> DC-> EX Vulcan-> Super Argentine

Shame it can't be done off a crA since A gatling appears to be DCable only by the 2nd hit which already launches.

IMO the most reliable HD combo so far is.
cC (2hits) HD cC (2hits) -> Super Argentine-> NEOMAX Takes off ~70%

I love the Super Argentine but the long animation devalues the potential the first combo has during HD mode as it's too late to cancel into the Neomax by the time it finishes during that combo.

Anyway both are practical and easy to do on the fly. Of course there should be better ones (same damage for less resources) as time goes by.

Re: KOFXIII: Clark

Posted: Sat Jul 24, 2010 12:15
by Dark_Chaotix
If you can HD bypass from cB into cC then it should be possible...Good to know tho.

Re: KOFXIII: Clark

Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2010 10:19
by boomee
sorry still learning about clark interesting character

Re: KOFXIII: Clark Steel

Posted: Sat Jan 15, 2011 22:02
by Kane317
No love for da man himself? c&p from myself from

Messed around with him some more, most of these are variations of the combos from the 1 page:
(I just noticed s.D, df.A does more damage than s.C [1hit], df.A)

-s.C [1hit], df.A, hcb x2+P DM/Ex DM (332 dmg/430 dmg)
-s.C [1hit], df.A, Ex Punch, hcf+K~qcf+P (341 dmg)
-s.C [1hit], df.A, Ex Punch, DM / Ex DM (440 dmg/520 dmg)
-s.C [1hit], df.A, Ex Punch [3hits], [DC] A Gatling Attack (c.b~f+A), A Gatling, j.D (349 dmg)
-d.C, Ex Gatling, A Gatling, j.D (315 dmg)

Notes: Sadly, s.C [1hit], df.A, Ex Punch, NM does not work. His NM catches people of the air outside of combos but strangely I can't get it to connect after the A version Gatling (I can't be for sure, but think I only tried it after two A Gatlings, maybe it works after only one). His shortcut for d.B, s.A, DM still works (d.B, hcb A, hcb P). Yes his cool d.B --> hcf+K link still works (remember it's not canceled, it's linked) but it made redundant since you can do d.B, d.A/s.A, hcf+K again.

Clark is still cool as shit.

EDIT: Apparently the Mook says Clark can do:
-s.B --> s.C --> whatever... (wake up only?)
-j.A, s.C [1hit], C Gatling [2hits], [DC] Ex Gatling~dp P
-(Corner) j.C, s.D, df.A, HD, s.D, C Gatling (2hits), [HDC] Vulcan Punch [3hits], [HDC] C Gatling, (Vulcan Punch [2hits], [HDC] C Gatling) x3, A Gatling, j.D (534 dmg)
-j.C, s.D, df.A, HD, s.D, df.A, Ex DM, [MC] hcb x2+BD NM (921 dmg)

More playing notes:
s.B, s.D on wake up works wonders since ppl tend to want to jump after a blocked normal (closeup) against him. Another is d.B (blocked), df.A (not a real link) since they tend to jump. You can cancel the df.A into Step (f+BD) for added pressure (makes me wonder if he can still do his s.A, as a juggle, air throw like in XII).

C Gatling can be followed up with A Gatling sometimes (I got it to work near the corner). A Gatling follows up on Ex Gatling easily. Seems like all of them are unsafe but C and Ex Gatling have great priority. The BBS makes mention that do a d.B (blocked), if they so much as twitch do a Ex Gatling --> follow up.

Oh and:
A Gatling, A Gatling, j.D, Air throw works :) :) Worked near the corner at least but it's hard to do. The j.D seemingly needs to be a hyper jump or jump (the hops don't connect when I tried)...I can't seem to replicate it again but I'll keep trying in training mode, might be distance AND height dependent.


-Corner to corner combo:
Ex Gatling Attack (c.b~f+AC), Vulcan Punch (Press P rapidly) [2hits], [DC] (Gatling Attack A) x3

-d.B, d.A, Ex Gatling (c.b~f+AC) [3hits], Vulcan Punch (rapid P)[2hits], [DC] C Gatling [2nd half 2 hits], A Gatling [2hits], A Gatling [2hits], j.D --> 14hits 366 dmg

-(Corner?) d.B, d.A, A Gatling [2hits], [DC] Ex Vulcan [4hits], C Gatling [3hits], dp+P followup --> 12 hits 353 dmg

-(Corner?) d.B, d.A, A Gatling [2hits], [DC] Ex Vulcan [4hits], C Gatling [3hits], A Gatling [2hits], A Gatling [2hits], j.D --> 16hits for 370 dmg

Re: KOFXIII: Clark Steel

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2011 19:01
by Gunsmith
Made a tutorial" onclick=";return false;

Re: KOFXIII: Clark Steel

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2011 00:11
by dobiqwolf
average tutorial and the home version could change the Clark considerably
when I am back from holiday shall we meet and make other characters tutorial?