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[UM] Krauser

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2008 20:31
by PenPen
As much as Krauser seems like the tough guy, people play him as keep away. Not sure why. He does have a lot of variety in his moves though.

qcb+P: High Blitz Ball. Think Sagat. Don't think it was changed from KOF 96.
qcb+K: Low Blitz Ball. Think Sagat. See above.
dp+K: Flying forward double kick thingy. This is in 96, but seems improved from his 96 version. D version travels farther. There's no invincibility, but seems like a nice pre-emp anti-air.
qcf+K: White Tomahawk. Seems to be able to jump over fierballs. Can hit opponents up close too.
qcf+P: Counter moves. From what I read, there's no low counter.
hcb,f+P: Instant grab move. I think this is the forward flying slam grab thingy that was in 96.
hcb,f+K: Another grab move, throws opponent into the air, then gives them an explosive punch at their back. Switches sides.
rdp+K: Double kick. D version does a forward hop and kick. Can cancel into Blitz Ball.

f,hcf+P/AC: Kaiser Wave. Chargeable.
qcf,hcb+P/AC: Ranbu super. Hugely abusable as it seems that he can grab anything down and connect, and there is also invincibility when he's moving forward. I think I read the DM version can be juggled afterwards.
hcbx3+P/AC: Instant grab super. Connectable from a close C.

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 03:25
by TamaYak
Leg TomaHawk allows a juggle of down C afterwards.

Krauser nearlly takes out a whole grappler team by himself in the vids and has excellent guard crush strings. I see why people were moaning about Krauser and Iori being to good.

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 04:41
by Kyosuke Kagami
Well, it's KRAUSER, what did you expect? :3

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 05:50
by AcidicEnema
I expected SNK to produce a moderately balanced game after spending so damn long on it.

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 05:57
by Kyosuke Kagami
I don't see how Krauser would break the game.

As retardedly easy to use as he is, Iori didn't really pwn 98's balance, unlike (i.e.) Daimon.

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2008 12:38
by Wolfie
Ooooh Krauser *melts*

any vid for him? I got to see his 2nd grab.

Btw, he aint Sagat copy. :D

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2008 14:22
by Fuu
many vids of him, check the videos thread.

Posted: Sun Apr 06, 2008 12:17
by PenPen
Just like to point out that Kaiser Wave will take out a whole crew of stuff, even DM HSKKs. Basically...

DM Kaiser Wave > DM HSKK
DM Kaiser Wave = SDM HSKK
SDM Kaiser Wave > SDM HSKK

And apparently, it's rumored that when you skip the Krauser-Rugal intro right when Krauser does his Kaiser Wave, Rugal actually takes damage at the start of the match. I haven't tried this though.

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2008 09:00
by Frederick
when I saw the early vids for krauser, I was like damn this ass is going to be picked alot for his broken crap.

you can play keepaway and rushdown with him since he has so many tools. long range and fast normal pokes and turtle breakers

dp kick can really surprise ppl since it's so fast but it's bad when blocked.

hcb,f+P good move for bringing someone closer to the corner.

hcb,f+K switches sides so can put someone in the corner for his crazy rushdown crap.

C kaiser wave use for blasting iori fireball spammers or any fireballs at all. it's so damn quick.

ranbu super can be abused. it will beat alot of moves and safe against non grapplers after block I think. yes you can juggle after it hits also. saw krauser's ankle kick hitting.

his damn jumping cd is like shermie's but seems to be much faster and abusable.

think his standing cd is a good anti air like rugal's if anticipated. should be cancelable also.

lots of krausers being used..........blech

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2008 09:15
by AcidicEnema
Hmm don't see his main combo move posted here.

rdp+K- He does two kicks. B version, he does it immediately from where he's standing. D version he leaps forward a bit.

BnB comboes are d.B>d.A> rdp+B or c.C> rdp+D

Does too much damage and is the real reason, imo, why he's so strong. Dunno if its punishable if you guard cancel roll behind him after the first kick.

Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2008 06:04
by Frederick
d.B>d.A> rdp+B

that's his safe poke string and can cancel into a blitz ball and follow it for more pressure as shown in all those match vids.

dwn b, dwn a, spinnin super if yur quick enough should work. this is just a guess but kaiser wave should connect also.

Posted: Sat Apr 12, 2008 09:49
by PenPen
I read that Krauser has an unblockable fierball bug already.

BTW is his rdp+K overhead? Just wondering.

Posted: Sat Apr 12, 2008 19:19
by Frederick
the unblockable fb is just a blitz ball and do one of his throws......

rdp k isn't an overhead but leg tomahawk looks like it is

Posted: Sat Apr 12, 2008 20:01
by AcidicEnema
Yeah Leg Tomahawk is an overhead. No idea about Kaiser Kick.

Also saw d.B>d.A>d.A> dp+B used as a BnB. I guess its better than comboing into rdp+K because its a hard knock down and the rdp+B has the tendency to miss the second kick from a certain distance.

Despite how it looks, Kaiser Wave doesn't snag jumping opponents who're at the top of the screen.

Close stand C misses against some crouching characters, so just use close stand D instead.


According to the Wiki, the Kick Grab is 1 frame, while the Punch Grab is invulnerable. Guess that means that the Punch grab is slightly slower...

Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2008 03:50
by Divemans
Does krauser has any Q.max combos yet? (or he doesnt actually needs them at all?)